Published Oct 29, 2008
2 Posts
hey guys! just one quick question. I havent submitted my papers yet for the NCLEX-RN in California cause I'm too lazy to mail it . However :uhoh21:, I recently moved to a different address. So my question is, may I include a letter stating that I have a new address together with the usual requirements (application form, breakdown of grades, etc.)???? I'm ready to submit my documents already, this is my only problem.
161 Posts
I suggest, since you haven't mailed your application to indicate the new address instead. Change it right away before you mail it. I think it's better than having trouble to trace their response to your old address later on. That's my idea. Good luck! :)
Sweet Jelly
97 Posts
I agree
Silverdragon102, BSN
1 Article; 39,477 Posts
Use your new address even if it means re doing your application forms.
38,333 Posts
Yes, you should use your new address. You don't want to give the BRN any excuse to delay or otherwise not act upon your application.
Thank you for all your replies. Will do it tomorrow.