never took chemistry or algebra in high school


Can someone help me in finding where to do these courses for admissions.


Your local community college. Most of them have developmental courses in math and chemistry courses for non-chemistry majors designed specifically for nursing and allied health students. Good luck.

Specializes in ob/gyn med /surg.

yes you will have to start at square one and start at the lowest level if these classes at the community college.. i needed all the chemistry and algrera they offered for my degree program... i had these in high school so it wasn't new to me... please keep us posted... good luck in your schooling ~~

As previous poster stated, any local community or four year college will have all the science and math classes,at all levels that you could ever want. Just make sure the classes you take are the ones required by whatever programs you intend on applying to, and that credits will transfer.

For instance normally only 100 class level credits are transferred. This can mean remedial and classes where the grade is "pass or fail" may not transfer. Note that some nursing programs require Organic Chemistry, which the natural pre-req is either one or two earss of high school chem or college level General Chemistry I and possibly II.

Specializes in Med Surg.

I minored in math my first time in college and I still occasionally tutor the kids of friends or my daughters friends so I guess I am qualified to say that your best bet for algebra at leastis a junior college. The instructors usually aren't as intense as they are at a 4-year school and many of them are actually high school teachers picking up a few extra bucks. The cost is usually lower which is good since, as someone pointed out, the remedial or catch-up courses usually don't earn you any credits.

Chemistry never thrilled me but the same goes for it. JUCOs are generally less expensive and have fewer hassles that universities where professors with PhDs think they have to make everything hard and mysterious.

Specializes in Management, Emergency, Psych, Med Surg.

You will absolutely HAVE TO HAVE these courses for nursing school. You have to know basic algebra and you must know basic chemistry. And pay attention because you will use this information A LOT as a nurse.

Specializes in jack of all trades.

Not sure on your program but I took mine during my pre-requist courses for the program at the local community college. I had no background in either and actually helped me alot because it was so new to me I had a keen interest in it. In fact I loved it and found it more fun then a chore. Check with your local community college and knock out Organic first. I took Inorganic first not realizing it wasnt what I needed and had to take the Organic afterwards. Math we had a specific course that was directed to health majors "Math for Health Sciences".

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