Published Dec 8, 2005
Judee Smudee, ADN, RN
241 Posts
I am an LPN over age 60, retired. Just took a LTC job a day or two a week and am in last week of orientation. A few minutes ago at 5:45pm I got an indignant call from DON wanting to know why I am not there this evening. I stammered my apologies and got out the xeroxed copy of the schedule there is nothing written in for this evening. I told the DON this and I could tell she does not believe me. Unlike the full time persons I am merely written in for the days I am supposed to be there. No slashes on the days I am not working. I called a friend at the facility who sneaked a peek at the master copy. She says a very faint 3 is written in the spot but you can hardly see it. I suspect that the number is so faint it did not show up at all on my copy. I wonder how much trouble I am in? The DON says the employee is responsible for making sure their copy jives with the master copy. I guess she has a point and I don't know what they will do to me over this since I am still on oreintation. Darn, I really liked this facility.
TheCommuter, BSN, RN
102 Articles; 27,612 Posts
I'm wishing you the best of luck since you seem to have liked this facility. I sincerely hope you have a job tomorrow. :)
955 Posts
If it were my facility and one of my new LPNs, I would simply ask to see your copy and verify that the 3 was not written in well enough to have made the transfer to yours, and then let you know that I understood how it happened, and that this scenario is why the employees must check their schedules against the master copy. Then I would have smiles, let you know that since you knew that for next time, it should no longer be an issue. I would not write you up for this time. I doubt you are in very much trouble. Let your DON know sincerely that you are so sorry to have inconvenienced her and that you really enjoy working there and hope that this incident won't jeopardize your position. She should understand! And if she wants to ream you out about it, then that is probably not who you want to work with anyway and I would start jobhunting.
deleted d/t double post- sorry!
67 Posts
I think that you will be okay. It's not like you knew you were supposed to come in and blew it off. People make mistakes. If your DON doesn't understand that, then she's obviously in need of some fine-tuning on her people skills. Besides, I can bet that you're never going to miss a shift again after this!
2 Posts
You are on orientation so nothing is going to happen to you at all. We are people we make mistakes and now you learned by yours. Your DON needs to know that there may be someone who might be filling in people to work or not to work after the master has been out. good luck and I hope you find great success at your new job.
273 Posts
This has happened were I work. Usually the unit secreatry transcribed wrong. Just bring your copy to show the DON and all sould be okay. Sorry that you had to get that upsetting call.
Tweety, BSN, RN
35,743 Posts
Stuff happens, they should be understanding the first time.
mandykal, ADN, RN
343 Posts
NVM...I was asking was the OP if she was still there (employed)..but I didn't read the other posts to find that she posted what happened after..
Another errors of mine...