NELRP 2009


I applied for the 2009 NELRP. I did not expect to hear from HRSA until September (IF I received an award). However, I was contacted by HRSA yesterday (June 15, 2009). They asked me to obtain pay off information for a few of my loans --- they had been unsuccessful with getting the info for those loans on their own, but did get the pay off amounts on other loans.

I asked the HRSA representative if this was a "good sign" and she responded that she could not confirm funding, but I am a "first funding preference" and "within range" (I think most who apply are "within range").

Questions: Has anyone else heard from HRSA this early?



Nurse Chris, I think you are getting an award. I got that same contract and was rewarded. The question is when will you be notified. I think they are doing it in phases. Anyhow, good luck!

Specializes in CVICU, SICU, Tele, NI, PACU.

So far this year, has anyone gotten an award and not received a request to verify their acceptance by signing another contract?

RN1233~~ I went back and checked and so far everyone that has posted about receiving an award did receive the contract email in early August. We received the contract email August 6th, but haven't heard back since then. It looks like contract emails are still going out. Good Luck!

Specializes in Cardiac.

Has anyone else heard anything? Anymore award letters??:twocents:

still waiting here.. :)

Still waiting here, as well....

Specializes in CICU.

I'm still waiting here too. I start school tomorrow. Hopefully, it will keep me distracted. Good luck everyone!!!

September as begun!! Where are the award letters hiding?? Good luck to us all and be careful not to hurt the mailman!! Keep us posted! OH....mailbox empty here today.

came home to an AMAZING letter in the mailbox!!!! hope everyone else gets their letters soon, too!! :yeah:

Congrats, TransplantRN3!

My mail was so late today...the wait was excruciating. Alas, NO LETTER. Aaargh!

Specializes in CICU.

Congrats TransplantRN3!!!! No letter here.....

thank you! don't give up hope-- we all know how unpredictable the awards are and they seem to go out in waves over the month! i'll keep my fingers crossed for everyone!

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