Published Jun 16, 2009
35 Posts
I applied for the 2009 NELRP. I did not expect to hear from HRSA until September (IF I received an award). However, I was contacted by HRSA yesterday (June 15, 2009). They asked me to obtain pay off information for a few of my loans --- they had been unsuccessful with getting the info for those loans on their own, but did get the pay off amounts on other loans.
I asked the HRSA representative if this was a "good sign" and she responded that she could not confirm funding, but I am a "first funding preference" and "within range" (I think most who apply are "within range").
Questions: Has anyone else heard from HRSA this early?
7 Posts
Hi Michele, I have also applied for the NERLP 2009. I have not heard anything from HRSA, but I am sure that is a good sign that you did. They would not be looking into your loans if they weren't considering you as a candidate. This is my second year applying. If you don't mind me asking, what is your debt to income ratio percent? Do you have a lot of loans? Just wondering where I stand?
My loan debt to income ratio is 148%. I was an ADN RN for 10 years. Then, went back for my BSN, then right to my MSN. I went to a Catholic University for all 3 degrees --- so you can just imagine how much THAT cost! Anyways, I have every "flavor" of loan imaginable (Stafford, Grad PLUS, Alternative/Private...). Getting the paperwork together for the NELRP application was a nightmare!
I hope you hear something, too. My brother is a nurse practitioner and has applied for the NELRP for the last 3 years. He always receives the rejection letter in November --- he is "approved" but not "funded" due to his ratio. I am not sure what his ratio is.
I did go to the HRSA/NELRP website to see if there was any info re: notification time frame. All I could see was a statement about the Secretary signing contracts July 2009 - September 2009. I just figured it always says that.
I am currently interviewing for a new position that requires me to move 4 hours from home (I am actually in the hotel room getting ready to go to said interview as I type this). I would hate to take it, THEN hear I received the NELRP (which I would no longer qualify for due to a significant increase in income --- it would cut my ratio in HALF). Decisions.... Decisions....
Sorry for the rambling.... I hope this info helps...
37 Posts
My husband also was contacted this week from HRSA. Keep our fingers crossed this is a GREAT sign. He was contacted last year, but late in the summer. We got a denial letter in October saying he qualified but was not funded. If you are able to look back through last year's threads, you'll notice that the majority of people that were contacted early in the summer, received the award. I hope it stands true this year!!
I hope this is a good sign for both of us!
32 Posts
This was my first year applying and I have not heard anythng yet, very frustrating, I check my phone everyday!:wink2: My ratio is 141%.....Good Luck to everyone
Definately do not get frustrated. This is our 2nd year to apply. Last year, we felt pretty confident and was notified the first week of October that we did not get it. My husband's friends that received it were all notified in September and received their first check the first week of October. It is definately frustrating while we are all drowning in debt!! It definately is hard at times to stay positive about the whole deal. My husband has said so many times that he wonders why he went back to school because we are in more debt now, than before!! Good luck to all and keep us posted!! It is so nice to hear other news!! Keep Praying!!
1,229 Posts
how do you calculate the ratio percentage. Im not even a nurset yet, but I was just wondering how you all came up with this number
Hataway -- I hear what your husband is saying! Seems like I am poorer now than before I went to anesthesia school. My friends are skeptical when I say that, but when I tell them my loan total, they seem to get it.
Here's hoping we all get good news this year!
Divide total of student loans by your annual salary then convert to a percentage. Ours is 166% debt to income ratio. What type of program are you starting in the Fall? Nursing or graduate school? Good Luck!!
My husband accumulated 183K in loans between nursing and CRNA school. Isn't that terrible just to complete your education? He has talked about the PhD program and I almost died!! I am a nurse home health. I don't have the gusto to do anesthesia. He asks me to go to CRNA school, but not for me!! Plus, that is more loans!! I'll keep you posted on any new info and you do the same, please!!
I'm starting the BSN program. I already have 15K and I just took out another 12K. Then i estimate another 12K for my final year, so thats roughly 40k. But luckily Im a dependent of a veteran so i qualify for the hazelwood act and they pay for tuition and fees up to 150 hours, so I will use that for graduate school. And the VA has a loan repayment program for a contract of 3 years. So im hoping that can all work out.