Needs help with 10" presentation

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Hello all, I'm currently working as a senior orthopaedic practitioner as well as holding my registration. I have been invited from my Trust to progress to a team lead in fracture clinic. I have to do a 10 minute presentation on How could I maximise team work & collaborative working within my department and wider settings. Any help would be fantastic as I'm not the best at presenting myself in interviews. Many thanks.

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Specializes in Tele, ICU, Staff Development.

Congratulations on being selected for this opportunity!

Maximizing teamwork and collaboration within your department and more comprehensive settings is crucial.

I have given hundreds of presentations in my work, and I'll give you some tips to help make yours compelling. 

Know your audience and tailor your presentation to their educational level and interest. Project your voice and appear confident. If you are a soft-talker, you may need a mic.

Know the room and the set-up. Ensure everyone in the room can see you, the temperature is comfortable, and the lighting is appropriate. If giving a power point, sometimes you must lower the lights slightly to achieve contrast.

If you will be operating any AV equipment, rehearse and know who to call to troubleshoot. Always be prepared to keep presenting if the AV fails.

Do not lecture.

Instead, tell stories.

If you think about it, stories are remembered, especially with relatable emotional content. Consider weaving a personal story into your presentation to illustrate your points.

For example, did a lack of teamwork ever have a poor outcome that you can recall, or have you seen a patient who benefited from teamwork and collaboration? Did you ever play a sport on a team where collaboration contributed to a successful outcome?

Title: Enhancing Teamwork and Collaborative Working in the Fracture Clinic

Introduction (1 minute)

  • Introduce yourself. Briefly introduce yourself and your current role. Depending on the audience and your comfort level, you can deliver a humourous line or self-deprecating joke here. If you are nervous, skip the joke.
  • Objective: State the presentation's objective—to discuss strategies for maximizing teamwork and collaboration in your department and wider settings. The old mantra is: "Tell them what you're going to tell them, tell them, then tell them what you told them."

Understanding Teamwork and Collaboration (1 minute)


  • Teamwork. Working together towards a common goal.
  • Collaboration. Joint efforts to solve problems and make decisions.

Importance: Emphasize the benefits, such as improved patient care, increased efficiency, and enhanced job satisfaction.

Strategies to Maximize Teamwork and Collaboration (6 minutes)

Effective Communication (1 minute)

  • Open channels. Establish regular meetings and an open-door policy.
  • Tools. Utilize communication tools like instant messaging, email, and collaborative platforms.
  • Feedback. Encourage constructive feedback and active listening.

Clear Roles and Responsibilities (1 minute)

  • Role Clarity. Ensure every team member understands their role and responsibilities. Provide examples throughout to prevent the discussion from becoming dry. For example, the American Heart Association's (AHA) focus on roles during ACLS as a life-saving strategy could be an example of role clarity.
  • Delegation. Delegate tasks according to each member's strengths and expertise.

Training and Development (1 minute)

  • Continuous learning. Provide ongoing training and professional development opportunities.
  • Cross-training. Encourage cross-training to enhance flexibility and understanding among team members.

Foster a Positive Work Environment (1 minute)

  • Supportive culture. Promote a culture of respect, recognition, and support.
  • Team building. Organize team-building activities to strengthen relationships.
  • It takes everyone. Teams are only as strong as their weakest link.
  • Culture is contagious. Think of some businesses you know where the employees are upbeat and helpful, or others where employees are surly and unhelpful.

Interdepartmental Collaboration (1 minute)

  • Integrated care pathways. Develop integrated care pathways involving different departments.
  • Joint projects. Encourage joint projects and interdisciplinary meetings to address common issues.

Utilize Technology (1 minute)

  • Collaboration tools. Electronic health records (EHR) and other collaboration tools are used to streamline processes.
  • Telemedicine. Implement telemedicine to facilitate communication with other departments and improve patient care.

Case Study/Example (1 minute)

Example: Present a brief case study or example of successful teamwork and collaboration within the healthcare setting. Highlight the strategies used and the outcomes achieved. What did they do right? What were opportunities for improvement?

Conclusion (1 minute)

Summary. Recap the key points discussed.

Vision. Share your vision for a collaborative and high-performing team in the fracture clinic.

Call to action. Encourage the team to embrace these strategies and work together to achieve common goals.

Q&A (1 minute)

Invite questions. Open the floor for questions and be prepared to answer them concisely.

Tips for Delivery

  • Practice. Rehearse your presentation multiple times for timing and to ensure smooth delivery.
  • Visual aids. PowerPoint slides or other visual aids may be used to highlight critical points. Slides should not mirror your words but provide cues only to your speech. If using a PowerPoint, stand to the audience's left of the PowerPoint. Handouts of the PowerPoint are often no longer done (people throw them away), but they can be available on request. Read How to give a Powerpoint.
  • Engagement. Maintain eye contact, use clear and confident speech, and engage with your audience. Do not turn your back on your audience. If you have long hair, do not allow your hair to fall across your face.
  • Eye contact. Make eye contact with as many attendees as possible as if speaking only to them. Do not stare at the wall behind the audience.

By following this structure, you can deliver a well-organized and impactful presentation that demonstrates your understanding of the importance of teamwork and collaboration in a healthcare setting. Good luck!

Best wishes,

Nurse Beth



Specializes in oncology.

Please do a 'run through' of your slides ahead of time. " I have been to so many talks when the speaker brings something they thought was in a universal format, only to find out the audience was kept waiting while the AV people tried to figure out a program.

At one important job interview I asked to come in a couple of days before the panel interview. Believe it or not the Dean remembered that I did that.....she saw it was a sign of respect...I got the job out of 14 candidates