Need RN salary information in NH


Looking for salary information for hospitals in New Hampshire to use as a comparison of the local salary ranges. Please please post only accurate and current information.

The reason is..... A couple years ago, nurses were not given raises (which is common) and evidently told that the reason is the place is rural, that they can't expect to compete with the other larger city hospitals.

Wellllllll article in the paper just confirmed the CEO got a whopping 53% raise that SAME stinking year! AND of course they are justifying it by saying that psiotion is now in line with the same hospitals that Nurses "can't expect to compete with salarywise!"

So ANY information on salary ranges, starting pay, etc. for RN's in the various positions (med-surg, ICU, PACU, you get the idea...) would be most gratefully collected and analyzed.

Keep your fingers crossed- this could mean better pay for Nurses!

Specializes in Ortho/Neurosurgical.

Holy cow, can I assume maybe this is in Exeter? For some reason I could see that happening there and frankly, I believe Dover gave raises not too long ago, but I definitely could be wrong. I'm originally from NH (Dover) and at some point we may move back so I'll be interested to hear the result to this post.

It was LRGH- the 7 top administrators make a total of over 2 million dollars and have received many raises in the past few years to bring them in line with surrounding hospitals and compared them to Elliot, CMC, Concord, etc. and they were right in line with them.

Someone asked me if I could find out about nurses salaries to compare and see if they are in line as well, especially after the comments made when denying raises in the past.....

Hoping to get some information to pass on.

Specializes in Adult and Pediatric Vascular Access, Paramedic.

Here ya go kuku. As a new grad I was offered:

NH: 21.50 /hr plus shift diffs if appropriate ( weekends, nights, evening)

MA: 24.80 /hr plus shift diffs if appropriate (' ")

If you want the names of teh two hospitals you can PM me...


It was LRGH- the 7 top administrators make a total of over 2 million dollars and have received many raises in the past few years to bring them in line with surrounding hospitals and compared them to Elliot, CMC, Concord, etc. and they were right in line with them.

Wow - I had hear that LRGH pays well. Hmmmm.

Specializes in Nephrology, Peds, NICU, PICU, adult ICU.

A friend of mine from School was just offered $19.50 to start in NH as an RN.

This year Southern NH Med Center in Nashua NH is starting new grads at $23.50 and St. Joseph Hospital in Nashua is starting them at $22.00. These are accurate for this year only as the two tend to try to one up one another.

They all seem very comparable

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