Need to retake Teas

Nursing Students TEAS


Hello! I just recently took the Teas for the first time. I need to retake it bc I totally bombed :(. I was wondering if anyone had any advice? I read a few threads where it says the second time around There is a possibility it could be the same test. I've been out of school for over 12 years. I used the Mcgraw practice book and didnt feel like it was the same as the actual test. The ATI is a bit pricey. i am just worried i wont do good the second time either

Where in Florida do you live?

Where in Florida do you live?

zephyrhills. wbu?

west palm. where are you applying for nursing school(s)?

I used the online prep service called the atkins academy. It was the best thing I ever did. Its interactive via web cam, easy, and I passed the teas with a 78 and hesi with a 92 first try. I got into all the schools I applied to.

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