Published Feb 19, 2012
1 Post
My patient has diverticulitis was is the pathophysiology of this. Do you know what the classic symptoms of diverticulitis. She presented with abdominal pain and tenderness. any help will be appreciated.
MN-Nurse, ASN, RN
1,398 Posts
The answers to this are on page 1076 and 1077 of my Med Surg book. What pages are they on in yours?
For cryin' out loud.
traumaRUs, MSN, APRN
88 Articles; 21,268 Posts
Moving to nursing student assistance forum.
Please post what you have already though.
JROregon, ASN, BSN, RN
710 Posts
Diverticulitis: Symptoms -
google it : D
Are you also asking about the pathophys? Look in your med-surg book or google "diverticulitis pathophysiology". It's on page 1334 of my med-surg book.
nurseprnRN, BSN, RN
1 Article; 5,116 Posts
maryberry, i see that this is your first post to allnurses. somebody probably sent you here saying that there are a lot of smart, experienced nurses and students who can help you. that is absolutely true.
however, what we are not is a sort of nursing "ask jeeves." we will not do your homework for you, and your faculty will not appreciate it when you tell them, if they ask, that you got your homework done on an online forum populated by people you don't know from adam and eve. hey, i could be the truck-driver next door, now, couldn't i?
the way to get help here, and you will get help here, is to tell us what you have already, where you learned it, and what about it confuses you or seems contradictory. then you'll get lots of good answers. look around in some of the other threads and you'll see what i mean.
nursing is a very collaborative profession. we all learn from each other. and you'll need to understand that doesn't mean we learned it for you.
so, that said, what have you learned about diverticulitis? it's a very common problem and you'll see it a lot, so it's a good thing to practice looking up and reading about it.