Published Dec 9, 2005
3 Posts
If you have any info on this please let me know. i was told you can challenge the boards but I'm not for sure. I can't find info about it anywhere. I need to know the requirments and if i contact the boards directly.
17 Articles; 45,831 Posts
if you have any info on this please let me know. i was told you can challenge the boards but i'm not for sure. i can't find info about it anywhere. i need to know the requirments and if i contact the boards directly.
hi, alc83 and welcome to
here is the link to the ms state bon:
suzanne4, RN
26,410 Posts
Some states permit former medical corpsmen to challenge the exam. But that is the only classification that can do it, and only in a couple of states. Their license can not be endorses to any other state.
Thanks for the information. I got in contact with the state nursing boards and they said some states do offer that but not in MS.
4 Posts
what state do allow you to challenge
Larry77, RN
1,158 Posts
5,351 Posts
*** I have seen where you have said this several times. I challenged the LPN board in Ca and later moved to Wisconsin. I didn't have any trouble getting a Wi LPN license. I did have to submit my army medic school transcripts, DD 214 and a letter from my Ca nurse manager to the Wi BON. I had my license in my hand about 3 weeks after I applied for it.
The WI community college system ADN program is a 1+1. First year of the ADN program qualifies you to sit the LPN NCLEX, the second year qualified you to sit the RN NCLEX. Those with LPN licenses can enter the second year directly. I was able to graduate with an ADN-RN after only two, 4 month semesters.