Published Oct 9, 2010
80 Posts
Hi please help me upload my saunders comprehensive review nclex-rn exam fourth edition cd in mac?i tried to run the cd base on the instructions inserted but still i need to buy anything?
1,547 Posts
my saunders nclex-rn 4th ed did not load either in my imac even though it said it was compatible. so i gave up and installed it in my laptop with windows and did not have any problem.
why don't try calling the publisher/customer service of the book and see that they say?
angel, rn
I'll try to call them on monday...tnx
38,333 Posts
Seems I remember instructions being discussed in the NCLEX forum a long time ago if you can find it.
Thank you.. if i have time i'll try to find it.
50 Posts
I had a problem with mine too - drag the files to your desktop so that everything is transferred from the CD to your hard drive. I did that, got an error msg but then tried to launch it again and it somehow worked, lol. The joys of technology!