need help with a scholarly paper any ideas???


Specializes in OR/Surgery.

hello everyone... i am planning to enter a MSN program for next year 2007 and I needed to make a scholarly paper as required to be considered for admission in the University I have chosen to become a nurse educator... I am presently working in surgery any suggestions for a topic related to nursing education here in the US would be helpful.... God Bless...

Specializes in Vents, Telemetry, Home Care, Home infusion.

the aacn website has many hot topics including:

doctoral level education for all nps (physical therapy now requires)

draft of the essentials of doctoral education for advanced nursing practice updatemarker.gif

this document represents the development of the curricular expectations that will guide and shape dnp education. the aacn board of directors approved this document at their july board meeting. at the aacn 2006 fall semiannual meeting, the membership will vote on the dnp essentials.

ama's response to such proposal: need to expose and counter nurse doctoral programs misrepresentation

aacn talking points in response to ama resolution #211

in june, the house of delegates of the american medical association passed a resolution (#211) titled need to expose and counter nurse doctoral programs misrepresentation. aacn is very concerned about this resolution that misrepresents the purpose and intent of doctor of nursing practice programs.

ny and nj considering law bsn within 10 yrs adn education

aacn responds to new jersey's "bsn in 10 years" proposal

to enhance patient safety, the new jersey state nurses association has advanced a proposal to require all registered nurses in the state to obtain a baccalaureate degree within 10 years of completing an entry-level program.

allnurses thread: is it true that a bsn will be mandatory soon?

nursing shortage positions bottom of website.

ojin has these topics:

safe staffing in massachusetts: a year of legislative action

is the doctor of nursing practice ethical?

i chose a topic i was passionate about and used the same topic through-out the msn program. i tweaked the focus of my paper based on the requirement for each class: patient focus, family focus, community focus, etc.

this made it easiert to write my papers because i had majority of research done and only had to add a few articles as needed.

Specializes in Nursing Professional Development.
i chose a topic i was passionate about and used the same topic through-out the msn program. i tweaked the focus of my paper based on the requirement for each class: patient focus, family focus, community focus, etc.

this made it easiert to write my papers because i had majority of research done and only had to add a few articles as needed.

i think that is an excellent idea ... as long as you are able to change the focus enough for each class so that you're not just using the same work from class to class. if you take that route, i would also recommend branching out from it a little now and then so that your education is not restricted to a range that it is too narrow. however, building on a general topic of interest throughout your education and exploring several related aspects of it is a very good way to go.

just be sure you pick a topic that you are truly passionate about. also be sure to pick a topic broad enough so that you can spin develop lots of different papers and projects that relate to it.


My suggestion is that you do research on the role that "critical decision making" makes in nursing and how nursing educators should incorporate the same into their lectures on appropriate subjects such as Medical-Surgical nursing. For example, you might delve into the Logic related to deductive reasoning and how it relates to the Categorical proposition and the Hypothetical proposition. You might show how the conditional proposition, a derivative of the hypothetical proposition, relates to the critical decision making related to nursing practice.

I tutor RN students and emphasize critical decision making as it relates to nursing practice, especially with regard to how the same relates to the tenets of logic, deductive reason, and hypothetical and categorical propositions.

I hope this helps a little.:rotfl:

My suggestion is that you do research on the role that "critical decision making" makes in nursing and how nursing educators should incorporate the same into their lectures on appropriate subjects such as Medical-Surgical nursing. For example, you might delve into the Logic related to deductive reasoning and how it relates to the Categorical proposition and the Hypothetical proposition. You might show how the conditional proposition, a derivative of the hypothetical proposition, relates to the critical decision making related to nursing practice.

I tutor RN students and emphasize critical decision making as it relates to nursing practice, especially with regard to how the same relates to the tenets of logic, deductive reason, and hypothetical and categorical propositions.

I hope this helps a little.:rotfl:

Great idea but narrow the subject matter to something very specific. Use the above concepts to specific situation of your choice. Otherwise you'd go bonkers :bluecry1: trying to write on such a broad topic!

I would love to see someone research the reason why Nursing does not compensate (value?) nurses for their level of eudcation. The pay seems to be the same for an ADN versus an MSN. Granted there may be more opportunities for a nurse with an MSN versus an ADN but I don't think an MSN is paid much more. Whereas in the corporate "Mans" world an MBA is well valued and compensated. Does this mean we do not value nurses who puruse higher education? Who is responsible for setting this "trend"?

Specializes in Perinatal, Education.

For nursing education topics, you may want to check out (National League for Nursing. It will give you a good overview of the hot topics in nursing education at the moment. Keep any copies of journal articles you pull--you may want to use them again later!

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