I posted a picture of a patient with her first name and previous gestation. It was a pic of my coworker holding a baby in her halloween costume that was bought by her that was going home the next day on Halloween. I posted it on my facebook with mom's permission. What was said was" Is this NOT the cutest thing ever!! Pt name, ex. 34 weeker. She is going home today!! We will miss you (pt name).
I was called by my manager who asked me if I had posted a pic on my fb with baby's info. I said yes I posted a pic of the baby with mom's permission (as she wsa there when I took the picture). I said I only had her 1st name and GA but nothing else. She also said the workplace logo was on the picture which to my knowledge was not placed by me, but in looking at the pic it was the name of the hosp on the scrubs my coworker had on. I was told to immediately take it off which I then did, ANd then she said that she will have to get back to me in regards to furthur action needed.
How should I protect myself from this? Is there anything I can do? Did I breech HIPPA rules? I have become friends with the family and actually was given her address and visited her and the baby. I let her know what happened and she is going to write a letter saying I had her permission.