Published May 8, 2015
5 Posts
Hello All,
I Need help, and don't know where to start. I graduated 4/25/15. So I took my Nclex pn for the first time on Wed 5/6/15 and FAILED! I had all 205 questions. My school also used ATI. Did my comp predictor and had a 90% chance of passing the Nclex the first time. I also did Saunders read every rationale, did ATI practice, and exam cram, made flash cards. I did almost everything you could possibly think of lol and even purchased Nclexpn mastery. I don't want to give up because I'm determined to be a nurse. I realized that on the Nclex boards I had a lot of delegation, priority, infection control questions. About 20 SATA. Any advice at this point will be greatly appreciated. Thanks in advance.
16 Posts
if i was you, i would go back to your school and tell them you didnt pass and that you need more help with the prep for your second time. In general schools are more then willing to provide you with learning materials and more practice tests so that you will be ready for sure, beyond that you could buy another book and do more practice tests... remember that it counts against the school as well, not only against you if you dont pass
points to remember- DO NOT give up!
- its never "none of the above"
- its never "all of the above"
- memorize your lab values
- memorize conditions like - for example Addison and etc
- know how to preform tasks like NG tube insertion, cath, etc
- know common medications and most of the things about them (apap, coumadin, gabapentin, prilosec)
* every nclex is different, but in general try to study the conditions and tie them in together, know cause, effect, what they could lead to ... and last but not least know how to ignore the "fluff" and ELIMINATE answers so that you could at-least have a 50/50% of getting the question right
and when in doubt choose "c"- jk this dose not work :)
LPN27713 Thank you so much. I will definitely look into going back to the school to ask for additional preps and info to help me study this time around.
Hello I failed my nclex on the first time answering all 205 questions also I felt devastated. It took me a few weeks to get back into study mode. My school also used ati .Now the first time I did prep u questions , exam cram question book only , and I read this nclex prep book that came with review class fROM school , I only went thru few chapters of Saunders...after seeing my results I was below passing in two areas . I felt like omg the journey continues ..I got myself together and knew that I had to go more in detail on prioritization and delegating because I had many of these type questions and refresh more on content.. I wanted to pass so I was going to give it my all, I purchased Kaplan did like 900 q bank questions. I read the entire content book that came with with which you can download on kindle I wish Iwould of knew the book is basically the entire Kaplan review in detail. I found a download link to a book by Lacharity called prioritization, delegation, and assignments now the book says for rn but this book was extremely helpful I did all chapters I think it really helped the most . also, this time I went more thru my Saunders book making sure to go over ethical problems and anything that,came to mind I looked it up and went over things over and over..and I almost, forgot it is a 35 page study guide that,one of my nursing classmates sent me and someone mentioned it on here and put a link for it. Any time I was away I would watch these nclex videos on YouTube by remar review i learned a lot from these videos also, the way,she breaks things down for you to know to pass nclex is amazing . I study a lot more this time I just, didn't focus on questions but I read more into things looked up any word I didn't know I prayed and study study everyday,I rested on days my brain wouldnt let me read anymore lol I just took it day by day and did not rush myself I used those four study resources and on April 23, 2015, I passed the nclex with 90, something questions , when I left this time.I knew I passed I was still.nervous but definitely felt more confident,this time around
So keep striving you can do it get you a study plan together give it all and you will knock nclex on out the box!! Good luck to u on your success!..............and sorry about long reply I tried to make it short
Aquarius_lpn, LPN THANK YOU SO MUCH. I'm waiting on my Candidate Performance Report to see where my weakness is at, and like you most of my questions were on prioritization and delegation. I plan on getting La Charity PDA soon. Congrats by the way on your new Journey.
JustBeachyNurse, LPN
13,957 Posts
Know LaCharity is designed to prep for nclex-RN. There is a scope of practice and delegation difference between RN & LPN. You need to be conscious of this
Thank you so much and before I used PDA book I researched and talked to many LPN who used this book and it helped them as well. What I would do is I would skip any question that was particularly for an rn but I must say about 90% in my opinion was not appointed to a specific nurse but just was nclex type of questions actually a Little harder but that's my opinion! Hope it helps!!