Need some advice


Hi everyone i'm new to this site I'm wondering if someone on here could help me with some advice. I am a mom of 2 im 25 and wanting to go to school for a career. I've always been interested in OB nursing and i have no idea about how to go about getting this started i live in northwest missouri and ive done some research on the internet and i have yet to find a school that teaches ob nursing. Im not even sure on what it takes to be an ob nurse pretty much cluelessss but very much interested. Someone please helppp!

Specializes in Infection Preventionist/ Occ Health.

Welcome to the site! I was born in St. Joe, is that anywhere near you? All nurses are trained as generalists, and after becoming licensed you can choose to specialize in a specific area (such as OB).

The first step to becoming a nurse is to find an accredited diploma, ADN (associate degree in nursing) or BSN (bachelor of science in nursing) program. Here is a list for your state:

The individual schools will have information about prerequisite classes and admissions criteria. Good luck and keep us posted :)

RN programs have an OB component. I spent 1/2 of a semester in OB and 1/2 in Peds. My 2nd semester of my senior year you got to choose what area interested you and get more experience there. I'm in St. Louis MO and all the programs around me work like that. It's just a matter of finding one that fits your needs. Hope this helps. :)

Just some advice, wait till your kids are older. They need you and nursing school is hard. They are only young once and not fair on the kids.

Well actually I live in Wathena,Kansas But its about 5 minutes from St.Joe so i just say missouri because no one ever knows where wathena is. But yes

I just figured that it would be easier when they are younger. I have a 2 year old and a 6 year old. When is the best time. I'm not getting any younger! ha I just want to get started now that way when my kids get older they will appreciate everything that i can do for them like send them to college! ha thanks for the input

Specializes in Med/Surg, Ortho.

I dont agree with good nightnurse at all. Your kids will be happy and fine even with you in school. You find time to spend with them,, they learn you need study time and what comes at the end of your hard work. They learn and see you study and how important school is. It can be done without the kids losing much, and they will reap the benefits of having a mom that can afford a decent vacation to make up for those few months you were busy. God for it.

The first time i went through LPn school my kids were 3,4 and 8,, the second time i went back for my RN(which i shouldhave done the first time) they wer tweens/teen and seeing me study and work hard for soemthing i wanted just enabled them to achieve what they wanted.

My kids were 1, 2, and 4 1/2 when I went back to school. They are now 8,9 and 12. They hardly remember anything about me being in school, and now my hubby and I can afford to do some fun things with the kids that we wouldn't have been able to otherwise. They were too young to play the "why is your school more important than me" card. It is hard, but if you want it bad enough you can do it and if you love to help people you won't regret it.:)

I hope that helps.

It's not all about what *you* (as an adult person with choices) want. I'll agree to disagree. It's about the kids. What if you only saw your husband just on the weekend or he says okay I'm taking up a hobby/work/football/ etc, I'll spend less time, thought, have less energy(it is a fact the more you do-you do have less energy [law of physics]) but I'll take you on a one week vacation to make up for the other 51 weeks. Doubt most people would be happy, but at least they have a choice. Children don't. I have seen people work overtime and take their kids to daycare on their day off. I'm just stating an opinion, not critisizing or trying to demean anyone just an opinion.

I have just seen the marginalizing of children in todays society behind materialism, what I want, and other things. I just know nursing school is tough and while it can be done, is it really fair to all?

Thanks for all the input from all you hardworking moms but i really dont agree with the last reply. And no life is not about material things but my kids have a dad and grandparents and aunts and uncles to spend time with and to do things with. I'm really not looking out for me i'm looking out for them wether i do nursing school or get a full-time job i'm still stuck so why not sacrifice some time away from the kids and the husband to make a better life for all of us and to do what i wanna do and thats to help people and eventually i wanna go on to be an ob nurse. I feel like this is the best time. I think it would be harder when their older like when their in sports and things. But thanks

Hey thanks everyone for keeping this a nice discussion and everyone just sticking to opinions. I just wanna raise kidlets myself but I know I am in the minority these days.

Specializes in Med/Surge, Psych, LTC, Home Health.

My mom was in nursing school all throughout my young childhood, and I turned out okay. Well, for the most part I did. :rotfl:

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