Published Aug 26, 2005
8 Posts
I have been in nursing school and will soon graduate, maybe. Over the summer vacation I was convicted of a misdemeanor, lowest degree. I am so in a state of anxiety now about what to do and wheter or not to tell the school. I am scared if I tell the Dean, she will have me expelled from the school and I will not graduate. If I choose to not tell, they will realize it in the end when I go to submit my liscensure application. I will have to check the box saying I have been convicted of a crime. If I do that they will wonder why I did not confront them earlier. What the heck to I do???
I am currenty doing community service and will be on probation for 6 mos.
I cannot seem to get any straight answers from BON. Each case is individual.
I have been in nursing school and will graduate in Dec., maybe. Over the summer, while NOT in school, I got a misdemeanor of lowest degree. I don't know whether to tell my school or dean. THis may lead to me getting kicked out since it just happend. If i dont' say anything, they will realize it when they review my application to take NCLEx, I will have to check that I have been convicted of a crime. They will then wonder why I didn't tell them earlier. THis is giving me so much anxiety, because of a stupid mistake I made over the summer. I have come so far and don't want to be told I can't finish.
What the heck do I do?
192 Posts
I have been in nursing school and will graduate in Dec., maybe. Over the summer, while NOT in school, I got a misdemeanor of lowest degree. I don't know whether to tell my school or dean. THis may lead to me getting kicked out since it just happend. If i dont' say anything, they will realize it when they review my application to take NCLEx, I will have to check that I have been convicted of a crime. They will then wonder why I didn't tell them earlier. THis is giving me so much anxiety, because of a stupid mistake I made over the summer. I have come so far and don't want to be told I can't finish.What the heck do I do?
I think you can tell them its a misdemeanor not a felony.
JentheRN05, RN
857 Posts
Yeah - probably should tell them. I'm almost afraid to ask, but it begs to be asked. What did you do?
17 Articles; 45,834 Posts
You must tell them, peechy ....... and I am for NOT revealing what you did on the forum.
Okay okay, sorry I guess you probably shouldn't. I was kinda playing anyway
I would tell them, only because it would prevent embarassment later, if for no other reason, because it's the right thing to do.
154 Posts
Just an FYI, I know that my school never saw my application for licensure, It was given to me and I filled it out and mailed it myself. You are an adult and you don't have to tell the school anything about your private life. As for the BON, I also have a small thing on my record and have had ot reviel it when I applied for my LPN, and then my RN license. There were never any questions asked of me and I got my license both times. I just had to write a letter explaining why I answered yes to the question. Dont sweat it nobody's perfect!!!!
4 Posts
It is a misdomener not a felony, everyone makes mistakes, not everyone commits a felony!!!!!
What is your reason? I am so afraid the school will kick me out.
I was told that my instructors take up our app. before we graduate and they mail them off. I am thinking the dean will look them over first before mailing them and then she will catch it. Our handbook tells us that we should let them know if we forsee any problems with our application process. MY BON also states that I should mail a letter of recommendation from my Dean in a situation like this. I am not sure if they require it. I know I will have to mail them my court documents and other stuff. I am so in a state of FEAR!
I am concerned that if you do not and they find out, they might keep you from graduating and keep you from reapplying to the program.
Now this just IMHO.
Now, as for the BON ..... you MUST inform them. They weigh these issues on an individual basis and review them collectively.
This must be your decision, however.
Good luck.
6 Posts
If I were u I would seek some legal advice from an attorney. That's what I did and it saved my butt big time. Because my attorney went about doing in a suttle manor and told them only what they needed to know. Not the whole story.