Need advice?


I'm a 5th (last) semester nursing student going for my ADN. Yesterday in clinical I made a huge mistake that landed me with my first U. My teacher got me for two incidences. First I was doing med pass. I knew my meds and did all my checks. The instructor asked if my pt had water. I said I wasn't sure. She said you better get some. This is our third week on the floor and I couldn't remember which side of the hall the nutrition room was on so I asked. She said I should know that by now. It takes me a while to get oriented. I get confused about what side of the hall the clean utility, soiled utility and nutrition room are sometimes. I asked the other students after clinical if they ever experienced the same issue and most of them said yes. They would have probably just tried to play it off better. So next thing was a biggie. I was removing an old IV for a patient that was being discharged. She was on Lovenox and I didn't expect her to bleed so much. So I needed more gauze since the ones I had were soiling through. I asked her to put pressure on the gauze so I could run to the supply room and get more. I met my teacher in the hallway and I just panicked. I was not so sure if I should have left the pt to get more supplies. She was Alert and Oriented, but I just wasn't sure. Anyway the teacher walks in my room. I am following her just waiting to get in trouble. I walked over to the pt and picked up the gauze to see if she was still bleeding and realized I had forgotten to don a new pair of gloves. Some blood had seeped through the top layer of gauze. I immediately went over to the sink and washed my hands. The teacher gave me a U for safety for not being oriented to the floor and not donning gloves. I personally was freaked out a bit myself about the no gloves and I do believe my awareness has been reinforced by the whole experience. The teacher asked me to stay after clinical. She said that she was sorry if no other teacher had not pointed my unsafe practices out to me, but she wouldn't want me as a nurse and that I am not where I need to be for a last semester student. What should I do? I have $15,000 in school loans and two years of hard worked invested. Is there another path I should consider or is there hope for me? I love both the elderly and skin care. I would love to work for a Dermatologist or Plastic Surgeon. I also love to take care of elderly patients, but I know as a hospital nurse I could never give them the kind of one on one time I would like. I definitely know hospital nursing is not for me. Any suggestions? I also heard this teacher gave a student a U for wearing a scrub shirt that was too big. Yikes. That was harsh.

Specializes in Med/surg, Onc.

Does getting a U remove you from clinical completely? If it doesn't, learn from this, move on and don't make the same mistakes again.

Specializes in Acute Rehab, Neuro/Trauma, Dialysis.

First what is a "U"? and does that keep you out of doing your clinicals? Second EVERYONE makes mistakes, that does not make someone a bad nurse! You just need to learn from them and move on. To me it sounds as though you do not function at your best when you are under a lot of pressure. And again that does not make you a bad nurse, just learn from it. If you are overwhelmed be aware of it, take moments to stop and breath, ask for a second opinion. Don't take this as an insult but with your love for the elderly you may want to consider working in a nursing home when you first get out. The skill expectations are lower, and the need for compassionate nurses like yourself is desperately needed! You will be used for great things. Keep your chin up! :)

so this means you have failed your entire clinical experience or what does it mean? Additionally, our school allows you one chance to resequence if you fail, meaning you can redo 1 class the next time it comes up, is that an option at your school?

A U is for Unsatisfactory and Two of them is immediate dismissal from the program. Basically after the teacher told me that she has not had this level of incompetence with her other students, I'm just wondering if continuing on at this point is going to make any difference. A U is huge in clinicals and the advice she gave me that I just wasn't at the level I needed to be at just has deflated any confidence I had. I have not gotten out of bed all day today and just want to cry. On top of it all my husband got fired from his job on Monday and we only have enough banked to stay afloat for 2 or 3 mos. He told me that I am too dumb to be a nurse and is very upset that I have sattled us with so much debt for nothing. My friends say that I am smart, but I just go blank under pressure. I'm just wondering if I should withdraw from the program and try something else later when things are going better at home.

Specializes in Med/surg, Onc.

I can't imagine just giving up this close to finishing. All you'll do is prove her right. If this is something you want FIGHT FOR IT.

And your husband is an idiot, who says that to their spouse?!

please dont give up!! you can do this!! everyone makes mistakes, and unfortunately we get consequences and we just have to learn from them. your hubby should not have said that to you. lets see how he does in clinicals in his 5th semester, right?! he should be supporting you and being there for you when you make mistakes. nursing is hard. keep at it!!

You've made it this far, I would keep going! I'm sorry to say this, but your husband should be supportive, not telling you that you're dumb. I always say that about myself to my bf...I'll say "what if I can't do it?" He always says I can and will.

I would stay in the program, your almost done! I constantly got turned around in the hospital halls, I can't believe that would be something she would ding you on.

I would request a meeting with your clinical teacher. Think about ways to make sure it will not happen again, and tell the teacher how you are going to make sure it does not happen again. I would apologize, say that you got frazzled that day, but I am going to do x x x and x to make sure it will not happen again. You can draw yourself a map of the ward to carry with you ( and show her) and make yourself a step by step cheat sheet on of steps for giving meds and any other thing you do a lot. Get real basic like knock on door, introduce self, gloves, bla bla bla.

I would also drink more coffee or whatever you need to do to not talk during their lecture. That will only get you on their bad side. During clinicals just take a deep breath and slow down. It's better to be a little slow but do it right.

Try not to take the criticism personally. Judy do what you have to do to get through this. Your almost done!

I'm headed into school talk to my clinical instructor about my poor clinical performance. I have never have been really proficient at getting my point across the way I really want to, but I'm going to leave it in the hands of God. I did not cry when my instructor told me that She wouldn't want me as her nurse and I feel like this is a major improvement for me. I am learning to take criticism, even if in my opinion it is a bit harsh, and not breakdown. This to me means my confidence is getting better. It is all a learning experience no matter what happens today, I have grown, I have experienced and I am a stronger person for it. I'm not going to argue with her even if she says something I don't agree with. I will stand my ground the best I can, and ask for the support and encouragement I believe every student deserves. Wish me Luck!!!

wow, mad respect for what you're going thru. ur instructor is prob being a huge b because 1) she can and is or 2) she's trying to prepare u for the real world. sending good vibes to you. really hope u stick it out.

Specializes in Hospital Education Coordinator.

You are probably a ball of nerves from the personal and professional issues going on around you. Take a deep breath before you answer any questions from your instructor. Are you letting fear highjack your brain? As for your husband, mine told me the same thing for years. After I left him and started nursing school I ended with a 4.0 in grad school. He has a high school education. Now who is the dummy?

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