Need some advice.


Specializes in ICU/Critical Care.

I work at another hospital contingent on a progressive care unit. I have worked on this unit for five years, full-time. I left in January due to multiple staffing and management issues and I was just very unhappy. I went to a new facility that I love but remain at this other hospital to pick up extra cash.

My problem is, is that to stay contingent I don't make anymore money than I did when I was full time. Mind you I am unit specific but part of the nursing float pool. I make 27.11 an hour. Since the unit itself is always short staffed, they have instituted measures such as offering premium pay which is double time(which i cannot receive because I am contingent) and then hiring agency nurses that make more than I do yet I have more experience on the unit.

So my question is, how do I go about asking for a pay raise? I don't know if I should go to human resources and complain or speak to my manager. And I have already decided that if I am not able to get a raise I will not stay. I just don't think I am being paid fairly and I really don't have many incentives to continue to work there.

Any input would be helpful. Thanks.

Specializes in ICU/ER.

I think you need to tell them exactly word for word what you just told us, it was simple -clear and to the point. If they dont understand go somewhere else or join an agency and work at this hospital through the agency so you can make the more money.

At our hospital the contingent employees get a higher hourly wage because they can not participate in our benefit pkg. Remind them, you do not get benefits, nor do you get the incentive pay.

Best of luck!!

talk first with your immediate superior, put it down in writing and send a copy to hr

put down the expected salary and when you would like a reply

good luck i hope that this turns out good for you

Specializes in ICU/Critical Care.

Thanks for the advice. I was initially going to talk to someone in the employee relations dept of HR. I thought that would be a start before talking with my manager.

Specializes in ICU/Critical Care.

Ok another thing, my friend is trying to convince me that contingent RNs make less. I don't think this is correct. I always thought if you worked contingent you made more.

Specializes in ICU/Critical Care.

I emailed and left a voicemail for my boss two days in a row. I know she was working those two days and I still haven't heard anything yet.

Specializes in Day program consultant DD/MR.

Is a contingent RN the same as a per diem? I so then the pay rate is usually more than a staff nurse.

Specializes in ICU/Critical Care.

Thats what I thought.

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