Published Mar 20, 2008
11 Posts
Hi I know a friend who is going to be convicted of a criminal offense centerlink fraud and he is very upset. he is a endorsed enrolled nurse and is fear of losing his endorsement I dont know how to help him. does anyone know what the laws are in keeping your endorsement so I can tell my good friend. :redbeathe:nono: he lives on the gold coast in queensland
Silverdragon102, BSN
1 Article; 39,477 Posts
I should image he needs to check out the state board and also speak to someone experienced in this area.
Grace Oz
1,294 Posts
It's noble that you, as his friend, care.
But if he did indeed defraud the taxpayers of Australia, I have absolutley NO sympathy for him and the predicament he finds himself in.
Thanks I know what he done was wrong, and I will let him know to seek advice with someone who is more knowledgable
3,037 Posts
Continuation of registration following criminal conviction is decided on a case-by-case basis by the state board. I would suggest that he a) seek legal and/or union representation and b) notify the board (if he hasn't alredy done so) as soon as possible.
While I imagine it'll be fairly uncontroversial in this case, I think at least some of it depends on who's on the board and their agenda. Several years ago I heard through the grapevine about a nurse who inadvertently received CentreLink funding after she was employed - she realised the error, notified CentreLink as soon as she became aware of the error, and organised repayment. However, despite the fact that it was an oversight and was self-corrected, one very vocalmember of the board strongly pushed for suspension of registration.
suzanne4, RN
26,410 Posts
Same as with the other forums here. We cannot offer legal advice to you to give to your friend. Each case is decided by the equivalent of the Board of Nursing for their region, and will be decided only by them.
Closing this thread per the TOS of this forum.