Published May 19, 2006
181 Posts
Okay I've been trying to decide what to do and nobody understands my dilemma so I figured if anyone would understand, it would be you guys! I recently took A & P and am anticipating a C or possibly a B if I did really well on the lab exam. I will need to make a decision before I know my actual grade. We all know how competitive nursing school is and the school I'm dying to go to looks at cummulative GPA as well as science GPA. My cummulative GPA is okay but not outstanding, a 3.3. I'm a solid A/B student but work 50-60 hours per week on top of full time classes so I don't have all the time in the world to study and tend to focus more on classes I need (sciences, etc) and settle for B's in core (art, govt, those type) So as of right now my science GPA is 4.0, but I would hate to bring it down due to the A & P. So would you retake the class for a guaranteed A or just take the B or C and hope to make it in? (by the way it won't hurt me to retake in either my current school or the school I want to go to) TIA for the advice!
SummerGarden, BSN, MSN, RN
3,376 Posts
If I got anything less then a B in A&P, I would retake the class. The reason being a C is reflective that I did not learn the information well enough to be able to use it, recall it, apply critical thinking, etc....
So even if it was possible that I could get into a Nursing Program with a C in A&P (And it is not for the schools I am applying too), I would still retake the class.
Getting into Nursing school is one thing I am fighting to do right now. But GRADUATING Nursing School means more to me. Good luck.
3 Articles; 10,428 Posts
If the school you're looking to get into is looking at GPAs as criteria, then a C isn't going to help you any. If you have less than a B, I'd re-take: there are plenty of students who will have above a C, and you don't want them getting placed ahead of you.
If the GPA were less of an admission factor, that would be different. But for now, a major component like A&P with a C might have administration thinking you won't be up to par for later courses.
383 Posts
I would retake it. I received a B+ in AP1 and I think I am getting a C in AP2. I would retake AP2 but my school only allows 2 tries of AP2 and I had taken it but withdrawn a couple of semesters ago and it shows up on my transcript.
I guess I could fight it since I was dealing with the illness and symptoms that turned out to be cancer but i do not want to use that as an excuse. I guess I will have to live with the C.
Good luck!