Published Jul 20, 2004
81 Posts
Hello- I know there are alot of Phoenix pre-nursing students out there and I really would appreciate any advice. Specifically- I just I am about halfway through my pre-req's for the RN program attending Gateway CC this summer. I know there is always that little tip of advice that many of you like myself figured out after it was too late. For example, I wish someone had told me that it is not really necessary to sit in class for Med. terminology 145AA and just take it online. Basically I sit there for 2 1/2 hours twice a week to listen to my teacher read words that I need to memorize on my own anyway. Nice lady- but little things like that that you find out later. Also- I am not sure if its because its summer school, but I am finding Gateway to be kind of strange. A strange mix of people. It doesn't have a very college-feel to it. I have heard from talking to others that Mesa CC is really the best campus all around. Do you find that to be true? In addition, I have heard consistently from my advisor that its only a semester wait for people who want to go full time and do not care what campus- but that this year its more like a 2 semester wait- Any input? Also, I am taking A&P 1 this fall with G- have any of you had him- if so, I'd like your thoughts. Basically- I just want some feedback or advice and to chat with anyone that's working their way through Maricopa's RN program. Can't wait to hear back from any of you! Thanks!
462 Posts
I sit in NO class. I am doing mine online at Rio. It is great. Hoping to get in there nursing program. You can also accelerate your classes. My big debate is whether to apply to gwc in Jan or wait until next Sept and go to Rio. At Rio you do classes online and attend only clinicals. Great for moms who still have little ones at home.
Have you done the CNA class? I heard that is harder to get in than the RN portion. I will be doing mine through the red cross. I am also starting A&P this fall and will probably be done by Nov. 1st, then start A&P II and be done by the end of the fall semester with it. I am doing it online and can work as fast as I want (I have done most of it but had to drop due to a car accident). Also taking Micr, HCC 130 and 145 AA online. Then I am done. Woo HOO. I did Bio 156 and Chem online over the summer. Even did my chem labs online, although you can do those in person. But my hubby works out of town and babysitting is an issue.
Andrea- Thanks for your reply. You are very brave to take all of those courses online. How much do you have to pay at Red Cross to take the CNA and how long does that take to complete? I also found out today that you must get fingerprinted which they say takes 10 weeks to get back- so get it done early. Good Luck. If you can, let me know about thr Red Cross deal.
Andrea- Thanks for your reply. You are very brave to take all of those courses online. How much do you have to pay at Red Cross to take the CNA and how long does that take to complete? I also found out today that you must get fingerprinted which they say takes 10 weeks to get back- so get it done early. Good Luck. If you can, let me know about thr Red Cross deal. tapple
The red cross is expensive ($608) but you don't have to complete the HCC classes first. I wasn't going to take out loans but I think I may take out enough to cover the class. Plus it is only 3 weeks long. If you go that route you do have to sit the CNA exam. But I figure if I need a little extra money I can do some CNA work. I heard the CNA exam is cheap. I used to work in a group home and have my FBI fingerprint card.
I am actually worried about taking classes in person again. Hopefully, I will get in Rio's program if I wait. Online classes are so much easier in my opinion. No listening to lectures. You lecture is written down for you so you can go over it again and again.
When are you looking to start the actual nursing program?
Andrea- I will be applying this spring, so depending on the wait, hopefully by fall but I am hearing it could be the spring of 2006- UHH! I hope not. I am going to look into the Red Cross CNA but is it easy to take the exam when your finished. I have heard for the RN NCLEX, there can be a long wait just to take the test. So, I just found out today that I got in to A&P @which means that I will be taking A&P 1 for the first 3 months of the fall semester and then finish in December with A&P 2. Should be interesting. Take care.
Andrea- I will be applying this spring, so depending on the wait, hopefully by fall but I am hearing it could be the spring of 2006- UHH! I hope not. I am going to look into the Red Cross CNA but is it easy to take the exam when your finished. I have heard for the RN NCLEX, there can be a long wait just to take the test. So, I just found out today that I got in to A&P @which means that I will be taking A&P 1 for the first 3 months of the fall semester and then finish in December with A&P 2. Should be interesting. Take care. tapple
I was told that you will most likely get in for the semester you apply. Although it may not be to the college of your first choice. And it is first come, first serve if your prereqs are done. I haven't heard anything about waiting for the NCLEX. I start A&P on August 23rd. Is that when you start also?
Yep- I start on the 23rd at gateway with G. I just bought my book online for alot cheaper than used at the bookstore. It was only $80 as compared with $140 new. I cant believe how much books cost. Are you in that class too or online?
2 Posts
I just wanted to let you know that you can also take A&P online through phoenix college and rio salado college. I just got finished taking A&P I at phoenix college and really liked the prof there.
klone, MSN, RN
14,857 Posts
I'm currently taking both A&P I and Micro online through Rio. I REALLY love this option, it just works so much better in my schedule than having to cram it in around the core nursing classes. I also took BIO156 online last semester.
Rio rocks!
41 Posts
I just wanted to let you know that you can also take A&P online through phoenix college and rio salado college. I just got finished taking A&P I at phoenix college and really liked the prof there.Thanks,Susan
Question??? How does the lab part of A&P work when you take an online class? I took my first semester of A&P on campus, and was thinking of doing my second semester online, but I was concerned about that, because I know that a major part of my grade was lab! Do you go on campus to do lab, or what? I've taken my ENG101 and nutrition online, and am taking my HCC classes this fall online as well. (I'm hoping to test out of terminology, because I was a health unit coordinator for 5 years, and taught it for 2.) Any answer to this would help...I've tried to call campus, but I got tired of being put on perma-hold!!
All the labs are online. You work with a lab book that has photos, as well as photos/slides.
Curious1alwys, BSN, RN
1,310 Posts
Yeah, I go to RIO too for A&P. Alot of drawbacks for me, but also a few pluses. I REALLY miss lecture for this one, but LOVE LOVE LOVED my HCC 130 and HCC 145AA online. Science I think is typically harder online, and the RIO Perception System can be a real pain (that is the program you do your labs in). The biggest problem with A&P, which cannot be remedied by any class form, is the sheer amount of information they expect you to absorb and retain in one semester. Frightening! You only suck up about 20% of it in the end anyway! I suppose that is what Patho steps in for..the rest!:) I don't have kids, but if you do, online would be really nice. And, I think I really learned just as much. I would have liked the one-on-one help with some of the concepts, that is why I miss a physical class. But, I have no choice, since the physical A&P's are so hard to get in to!!!