Need advice: Pre-Nursing Student changing her mind.


Good morning everyone!

I have had my doubts about nursing for a while. My grandmother was a nurse for 30 years and has also prodded my brain for other ideas for my future. I've actually come up with something that I would love to do: forensic science. I am a biology nerd and do well in any science based class. I would particularly love to do DNA analysis. Perhaps if my grades stand up to med-school standards and may apply by the time I'm done. If that were the case I would like to do a residency/fellowship in forensic pathology and become a medical examiner. (That's way out in the long shot). For those who have any idea about the Myers Briggs Assessment, which I suggest anyone who needs to learn about themselves takes, I am an INTJ.

Now my real question here is this: if you could do it all over again would you do something else? I'm 19 and time is not of my concern. I originally chose nursing because of the science aspect but I have come to realize on this forum that many of you do not feel like you are using your intellect as much as you would like.

I appreciate any advice and any personal advice on what you would have or what you wouldn't have done differently.

Thank you!

That's rather unnecessarily unkind, Dranger.

it's also true. but you never know, she/he may enjoy it.

I actually got my bachelors in Biology, and was sted fast on going to med school. But the more I looked into it, and even applied, I couldn't go through with it. I didn't want that lifestyle. I wanted more patient interaction and more patient care in my day to day. So I switched to nursing, to the not so great joy of my family.

If you want med school, by all means, go for it. But really understand what you are getting into. Its a tough thing, and it lasts, the education itself, for a few years. Not to mention residency, the boards, and the other lovely things. I am by no means trying to discourage you, but you really need to want it to go through it and survive.

I chose nursing because I want stability, I want to work. I also want to have some time to have a family and enjoy other aspects of life, and not have to work every single day. Ofcourse I care about people and love the science of it and I knew the health care field was for me, but these were just other great parts about it.

If you like the science-y aspect of it, try clinical lab sciences, like histotechnology, medical lab sciences, cytotechnology, pathology assistant (you work with pathologists, and disections, dead bodies and the whole deal).

As far as forensics go, there is forensic nurses,

some basic info: (lots of sources on web)

"Forensic Nurses help investigate crimes like sexual and physical assault, and accidental death. They are trained in medical evidence collection and the criminal justice system. As a Forensic Nurse, your job will be detail-oriented, with most of your time spent in hospital emergency rooms, helping interpret any first signs of foul play. You’ll also testify in court as an expert medical witness."

the reason i like nursing is because its so diverse, you can take it anywhere, to forensics, lab work, research, oncology, pediatrics, etc. the posibilities are endless, but a lot of the work, at least the basics come down to the same skill set you will learn.

I hope this helps and sheds some light on your situation. I could keep going but I don't want to post something super long either. Best of luck!

it's also true. but you never know, she/he may enjoy it.

I actually got my bachelors in Biology, and was sted fast on going to med school. But the more I looked into it, and even applied, I couldn't go through with it. I didn't want that lifestyle. I wanted more patient interaction and more patient care in my day to day. So I switched to nursing, to the not so great joy of my family.

If you want med school, by all means, go for it. But really understand what you are getting into. Its a tough thing, and it lasts, the education itself, for a few years. Not to mention residency, the boards, and the other lovely things. I am by no means trying to discourage you, but you really need to want it to go through it and survive.

I chose nursing because I want stability, I want to work. I also want to have some time to have a family and enjoy other aspects of life, and not have to work every single day. Ofcourse I care about people and love the science of it and I knew the health care field was for me, but these were just other great parts about it.

If you like the science-y aspect of it, try clinical lab sciences, like histotechnology, medical lab sciences, cytotechnology, pathology assistant (you work with pathologists, and disections, dead bodies and the whole deal).

As far as forensics go, there is forensic nurses,

some basic info: (lots of sources on web)

"Forensic Nurses help investigate crimes like sexual and physical assault, and accidental death. They are trained in medical evidence collection and the criminal justice system. As a Forensic Nurse, your job will be detail-oriented, with most of your time spent in hospital emergency rooms, helping interpret any first signs of foul play. You’ll also testify in court as an expert medical witness."

the reason i like nursing is because its so diverse, you can take it anywhere, to forensics, lab work, research, oncology, pediatrics, etc. the posibilities are endless, but a lot of the work, at least the basics come down to the same skill set you will learn.

I hope this helps and sheds some light on your situation. I could keep going but I don't want to post something super long either. Best of luck!


Yeah, I was going to ask if you've ever considered being a forensic nurse. I would at least look into it, maybe see if you can shadow a forensic nurse, and the afterwards decide if nursing really isn't for you. :)

Specializes in ICU / Urgent Care.

She came to a public board asking a question that I answered with truthfulness and pragmatism. I might take your attempt at a jab with some consideration....but in 25 years I have done and seen a lot. Worked various jobs (some dirtier than nursing) and tried different careers so I have an idea what I am talking about when it comes to getting into nursing vs medicine. What have you done?

Keep tellin it like it is bro

A lot of individuals on here would rather hurt someone through false praise then help them through constructive criticism. But dont worry, if you tell it like it is they will hound you and call you out.

"Road to hell is paved with good intentions" rings true more often then it should on allnurses

Specializes in Emergency.
Keep tellin it like it is bro A lot of individuals on here would rather hurt someone through false praise then help them through constructive criticism. But dont worry if you tell it like it is they will hound you and call you out. "Road to hell is paved with good intentions" rings true more often then it should on allnurses[/quote']

Agreed. There are so many "you can do it" comments made in situations where the commentator has no idea if the OP can do "it". And I think a lot of folks are simply looking for validation of their feelings as well as affirmation of their potential. So, that praise does fulfill their needs. Or something like that.

Specializes in ICU / Urgent Care.

Agreed. There are so many "you can do it" comments made in situations where the commentator has no idea if the OP can do "it". And I think a lot of folks are simply looking for validation of their feelings as well as affirmation of their potential. So, that praise does fulfill their needs. Or something like that.

Exactly. I cringe everytime I read a thread by nursegurl123 (generic name,) saying how hard classes are and she is failing them and how hard and unfair it all is but its her teachers fault for not teaching. Then right below you get a swarm of "follow your dream girl you can do it just keep trying!!!111"

What should be said is step back, fix whatever dysfunctional academic habbits you have, it ISNT the teachers fault if you failed or got a bad grade (In 99% cases, I understand some rare cases where it actually might be.) These classes are hard for a reason, you will be dealing with peoples lives! Okay, done venting.

have you looked into forensic nursing? It looks pretty awesome to me and I bet that is something you. I do believe a MS is required but it seems like a pretty great job.

I'm interested in forensic nursing and I hope I get into the program some day

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