Ok, so here's the deal, I apologize in advance for the length. I am a new grad and just started in the ED a month ago, have worked probably 6 days total on the unit. When I was hired, I was told I would have an extensive preceptorship, classroom training, etc etc. ACLS, etc. I asked how long my orientation would take and was told, as long as it takes. However, they just let someone go because they weren't "getting it" after 1-1/2 months. I have been there a month. I have had a week of classroom which was mostly a rehash of school, and a week of hospital/nursing orientation which was fine.
Now here is the problem. I have a different preceptor just about every time I work. I get handed charts and told to go do things I have never done before. When I tell my preceptor of the day about it, I get told to go try it and come get them if I run into a problem. Also my main preceptor and I are usually the only ones scheduled to work in our area, so the preceptor runs around trying to get all the pts. taken care of while I am left running around trying to pick up whatever work I can and am able to do. We (preceptor and I) went to our manager and asked to have more time with an additional person scheduled during orientation so we could get some actual training done. Instead the solution was for me to be assigned pts on my own so I could learn how to take care of them from start to finish, I would be responsible for all of their care. I don't have a license yet, so legally I can't start IV's or pass meds, except they expect me to start IV's even though I have not been checked off on this skill by the hospital. I don't expect to have my hand held, nor do I want it to be, but I would like at least a little direction when it comes to policies, procedures and tasks I have never done before.
Also after we went to mgmt, the educator suddenly wanted to write my evaluation. Which is supposed to be completed by my preceptor at the end of my orientation. My preceptor refused to sign it saying that she had not worked with me enough to evaluate me. So the educator, who I have also not worked with wrote up my evaluation. It was a mixed bag of evals too. She signed it and then made me sign it. THe rest of the day, the educator and mgr kept calling in my preceptor to the office and no one talked to me the rest of the day. I now feel like my job is in danger
I don't know what to do, I am not getting the training I was promised, and am being counted as a body there, even though they say I'm not. I know that going straight to the ED right out of school was a great oppty. but at the same time if I am not properly trained how can I take care of my pts? I want to quit but am not sure how this would look on a resume? Also is this standard training practice for new grads?
Any advice is appreciated.