Need Advice from you guys


Specializes in Emergency.

I posted this in general nursing but i wanna know what you GUYS think

I need advice...

I am 25/m and started nursing school this past August, so I have 1 semester behind me. This coming semester is supposed to be very hard and require almost twice as much out of class time.

My situation is difficult because I live in an apartment in the same town that my school is in and also have worked full time (which requires about a 45 min drive both ways) for the past year while I did my first semester of nursing school.

Now I have to make a difficult decision. My parents live 30 mins away from where I live now as well as where I go to school. My choice is this:

A. Move back home with parents and not have a rent to pay but lose my independence and make it difficult for my girlfriend and I (who lives a couple house away) to see each other. Plus, I will have the 30 min drive 4/5 days a week to class and back. I will have the advantages of having free food, etc etc.

B. Keep my job and go down to part time. Move into my own 1b/b efficient apt and live in the same town as school but still have the drive to work. Also I will depend a lot on help from my parents possibly paying my whole rent. They are not rich but middle class and I feel bad for asking this of them.

Either way my parents said they would help me out with expenses but I feel bad for asking for too much (being in my own place would require much more than living at home obviously), but at the same time I can't work a whole lot to support myself with this tough semester. I have 1.5 years left in school so I have a feeling this type of situation will be ongoing until then, just maybe not as severe with easier semesters.

I think thats pretty much everything. Let me know what you guys think, and thanks for spending the time to read this :)

Looks like you've given this plenty of thought and worked through the planning. Well done!

What "independence" would you lose by moving back with your parents?

How is it "difficult" for you and your girlfriend?

If it's mainly an issue of privacy, then use some of the money you'll save by being back in the nest to rent a motel room from time to time.

Also spend some of your study time at the college or local library so you get some 'away' time.

What advantages does moving to a new apartment and remaining independent provide?

To me, its ano-brainer. If you get along with your parents, and their offering you a free place to stay, allowing you to work less and focus on school, then I say go for it. I honestyl dont see the issue with drive a whole 30 minutes to school. I found a program 25 minutes from my house [though I leave 35 minutes ahead of time just to be safe], and I thought I was really lucky to find something so close. As for a half hour commute causeing problems with your girlfriend, well, if she isn't willing to drive 30 whole minutes just to see you, then she obviously didn't care that much about you in the first place [and vice versa]. Really, I think you have a wonderful opportunity open to you, and it would be silly, in my opinion, to pass it up. And honestly, how long will it really take you to finish your nursing program? I'm sure it'll be over before you know it.

[also, if you really feel that bad about asking your parents for money,then you'll swallow your pride and move back home. If not, I guess it really didn't bother you that much after all.]

Specializes in Above.

+1 on moving in with your parents! Look, I am an ex- US Navy Nuke, and Nursing is the hardest scolastic program I ever had to do! Move in and save yourself some greif!

Specializes in Ortho, Neuro, Detox, Tele.

Well, personally, I can understand how the moving back home would make you feel like you're cramping your style. Although it will require an adjustment, I would go with the saving route. My girlfriend and I live a hour apart, but we find time to be together. A day here, couple hours doing something, etc.

If it is meant to be, you will find a way to overcome. In the meantime, I would just think about doing whatever you need to do.

+1 on moving in with your parents! Look, I am an ex- US Navy Nuke, and Nursing is the hardest scolastic program I ever had to do! Move in and save yourself some greif!

Sorry for hijacking the thread, just ignore this if it's too off topic:

I have to ask, what did you think of the Navy Nuke program? I was wondering, because I was actually offered a contract for the nuclear program this summer. In the end, though, I decided that the personal sacrifices and the poor living conditions outweighed what I stood to gain [i know its terrible, but I'm not going to pretend that patriotism was ever a factor]. While I have no regrets about my decision, I've always been curious about how things could have gone....

Sounds like your parents are a pretty generous couple...nice for you. I can't tell you what to do, but when I was in school and short on cash, my parents were generous enough to help me out. We worked out a post graduation repayment program at an interest rate a good couple points lower than prime. I win, in a couple of years, they won too. It really helped me out and lowered the feeling of "mooching" of the folks.

Specializes in Emergency.
Sounds like your parents are a pretty generous couple...nice for you. I can't tell you what to do, but when I was in school and short on cash, my parents were generous enough to help me out. We worked out a post graduation repayment program at an interest rate a good couple points lower than prime. I win, in a couple of years, they won too. It really helped me out and lowered the feeling of "mooching" of the folks.

did you live with them or did they help you with rent and stuff?

What about a job at the college and moving your own place? That way, you still have your own place and still have an income.

did you live with them or did they help you with rent and stuff?

I had my own 1 bedroom then moved after first year into a 2 bedroom with a roommate. They were out of the area so I couldn't live with them. The money given was in faith so I could spend it as I pleased, but it went towards rent and stuff.

Specializes in Ambulatory Surgery, Ophthalmology, Tele.

I just finished nursing school so this is a fresh topic for me. I went back later in life with the support of my husband, and sixteen year old and eight year old kids. I quit my job and made school my job. I didn't have the option to move back home so I had to get a second mortgage on my home and (zero interest for a year) credit cards and now we are in debt up to our eyeballs. But it all paid off and now I am DONE!! Back to topic...sorry. I can tell you that the program is VERY challenging! You will be much more successful if you could go through school without working. In my program, we lost 25% of our class third quarter (intermediate med-surg) because it was so difficult. As you get further in the program it seems like you are never home anyways, between clinicals, reading (so much reading!!), group study, group projects, and writing care plans (ugh!) time will go by pretty quickly. If I were you I would go back home. Utilize the school library or your local starbucks for reading/study time and to get out of the house. You could also get a job as a student nurse at a local hospital. Sometimes this is your in to a future nursing job. Before you know it you will be done with school.

Good luck to you.

Specializes in Neonatal ICU (Cardiothoracic).

From someone who has been in your shoes, my advice is to take your parents offer, and move back home.

I moved back in with my parents for a year while starting grad school at 24, after living on my own for 6 years. Luckily my parents respect my privacy, and I respect their rules. I was able to save a lot of money, not to mention the food and laundry! Plus I kinda like my parents ;^)

Sure, it's kind of a bummer to "lose" your independence, and have to tell people that you still live with your parents, but in this economy, you will come out ahead, and in a lot less debt than your peers. Trust me, you're not the only one doing this. LOL.

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