Published Dec 27, 2010
22 Posts
Help! Any advice welcome! I am a 40 year old mom from Shawnee, OK ready to go back to school. So, Im just getting started in this adventure. I was a early childhood education major 15 years ago, but now want to get into a RN program in the OKC area or maybe Seminole? I have most all of the pre-requisites with the exception of Science! I need all the science courses (Chem, Biology, Mircrobiology, Anat & Phys) plus nutrition, medical terminaology, & maybe 1 or 2 others depending on which school I attend or am accepted at.
Does anyone have any advice or recommendations for me? I have a 3.5 GPA, haven't taken any tests (ACT, Compass, TEAS, Etc.) yet. I originally was going to take the science courses at Rose State, but then discovered that they won't transfer?!? I am gathering info and want to make the best decision to allow the highest chance of getting accepted into a RN Program ASAP. It is so confusing with all the different schools, Rules, Tests, points, etc. Thanks for your comment!
PedsAtHeart, LPN
375 Posts
You can take the courses at Rose that do transfer, you just need to watch which ones you take. They have an Intro to Clinical Microbiology, which is specific for their nursing program. But they also have regular Intro to Micro which will transfer. Same way with anatomy and Physiology. I recommend Rose over Seminole (have attended both) just for the simple fact that Rose has more choices geared toward the working adult, if that affects you.
Message me if you have any questions, like I said, I have done both schools. They are both good, but Rose worked better for me and my schedule (I also live in Shawnee!). I am an LPN and start the RN program at Rose in January!
PatMac10,RN, RN
1 Article; 1,164 Posts
I know how you feel, I'm going through the same thing! So many schools, so many transcripts, so many applications and entrance exams. I'm applying to 5 programs and applying to every schools LPN program as well(but you can use the same application and paperwork to apply to a school that has both a RN and LPN program). It helps me so much when I right out my plan. This written out plan includes all the classes I need to take and when I wish to take them, and also what schools I wish to apply to. I have a copy of all the curriculum's from the schools at which I'm applying. It just takes some organization. Hope it all works out.
Thank you so much!
Peds at heart, congradulations, so exciting! I'm so looking forward to being where you are. I have another question for you in light of the info you gave. If a person takes the regular transferable micro and A&P at Rose do they still require you to take the other additionall classes? I read on their nursing info page that if you don't take your A & P classes there at Rose they require several other classes?!? I really like Rose too, Its close to us and seems very user friendly (of course I havent taken any classes there yet). I also liked Seminole, for location and small class size, seem super friendly, but they only have the RN Program that starts once per year in the Fall.
I don't know what other additional classes you would need to take if you are in the regular micro and a&p, or do you mean pre-reqs for those classes?
Since I knew I was going to apply for Rose's RN program I just took their intro to clinical micro and their online a&p class. If I ever go on for my BSN i will have to repeat micro (which is OK, the one I took was pretty basic but it did have lab and everything) and I will have to take Phys. (had Anatomy by itself already).
Also, in order to get into Phys. I needed Chemistry. Before I could get into Chemistry I needed Algebra. Before I could get into Algebra I had to either take the zero level courses first (I suck at math) or score high enough on my COMPASS test.
So, I took the micro I needed to take in order to apply to their program.
At Rose, evening classes are 2 nights a week. Seminole they are 4 (unless they have changed). And Rose offers so much more online. I was able to get all my pre reqs done and applied for the first time and was accepted. Cant wait :)
64 Posts
Why not seriously consider the program at Seminole State? Its just a stones throw from Shawnee and a good school. I earned my A.S. there a few years ago. I know several who have graduated from the nursing program from there and they all (somewhat) enjoyed their time at school.
Just remember if you go the ADN route it is an applied degree and you will still need to take some sciences latter on if you want a BSN someday. If I remember right Seminole does not require micro or chem.
42 Posts
Rose - it's a good school and close to you. Warning. If you take Micro - TAKE MEDICAL TERMINOLOGY FIRST! It will greatly improve your chances of passing! I wish someone would have told me that first :-)
Why not seriously consider the program at Seminole State? Its just a stones throw from Shawnee and a good school. I earned my A.S. there a few years ago. I know several who have graduated from the nursing program from there and they all (somewhat) enjoyed their time at school. Just remember if you go the ADN route it is an applied degree and you will still need to take some sciences latter on if you want a BSN someday. If I remember right Seminole does not require micro or chem.
Thanks for the advice, I did actually consider Seminole. I guess the lure of getting into nursing school at Rose so much quicker snagged me? Less classes, less $, less time. The downside will be if my plan fails me and I don't get in right away at Rose. If I further my edu to BSN someday, Ill be kicking myself! It just doesnt seem likely to me at my current age. Plus, Ill be putting my kiddos thru college someday. Who knows Thanks!
Thanks for that tip!:) I may add it to my A&P class Im currently enrolled in. I'm planning to take Micro this summer. Did you take your prereq classes at Rose?
Seminole and Midwest City are pretty comparable in travel time from Shawnee.
I attended Seminole for quite some time until I ran out of things I could take. I'm a single mom who was working full time so evenings/online were all I could take. Rose State offers SO much more for the working person, their schedule just works much better for me. Though Seminole was a good school, no complaints on that part!!
oknursinggirl, you can always go back for your BSN. I plan to. I will have to take Chemistry and Micro, but I can do them slowly while working with my ASN. The most important thing to me is to get my RN and start working ASAP, anything after that is an added bonus!
5 Posts
If your goal is ADN first, apply to several programs. Check the recent NCLEX-RN pass rates on the OBN site. Careful about taking 4 hour chemistry classes... some ADN programs will require 5 hour Chem.