Published Jun 19, 2008
36 Posts
I took the RN boards this monday. and I know in California it takes 3-10 business days to 4 weeks, but some people find their name on the website in 3 days. I live in California (Like if you took it on monday, you find out wednesday night/thursday). I dont know what to do to calm my nerves. Ive taken the boards 3 times already, and this time I went up to 125 questions I think. 6-8 SATA's, pharm pharm pharm,3 med calcs, lots of Delegation/Priority and triage. Couple of Hot spots, and The choices where you need to put it in order. I hope what I did was enough to pass. Please tell me if having what I had is great enough to pass. I also had Infection Control, and I hope I was able to be at the passing line.
-Please someone help me...I'm feeling weird anxious and scared at the same time. I just want to be an RN already....
suzanne4, RN
26,410 Posts
There is no way to second guess if you passed or not, but the fact that you got quite a few priority-type questions makes it in your favor.
You are going to have to wait until you see your name posted or get a letter from them. There is no other way to find out.
And again, average wait time is a full ten days.
Best of luck to you.
41 Posts
Third time is a charm, good luck, we're keeping our fingers crossed for you.
suzanne, when you said priority, you mean like questions that ask" who should you see first?" I hope thats priority because those were the questions that I got. Questions like me in the Emergency Department, of I just got on the unit, who should I see first, and so on. If so, then those were the questions that I got. Hope thats what you mean suzanne.
- p.s- The wait is killing me....
lvnjden4ever, R.N.
47 Posts
I took the test in California on Monday. I'm still waiting for the results to be posted on the BRN site. It sucks that California does not do the quick results! It's so frustrating. I've heard that some people have gotten their results in 3 days...I've heard that some had to wait 16 days! It's so nerve racking.
There is no way to second guess if you passed or not, but the fact that you got quite a few priority-type questions makes it in your favor.You are going to have to wait until you see your name posted or get a letter from them. There is no other way to find out.And again, average wait time is a full ten days.Best of luck to you.
Why do you say that if you got quite a few priority-type questions make it in your favor?? I had 235 questions....3 calc....pharma pharma pharma....SATAs and "put in the right orders". I had TONS of priority and delegation questions. Tons...more than 50% of my questions. Is that good then???
I'm anxiously waiting the results here in California. It's so frustrating. I'm trying to stay calm and NOT check the website all the time....but I'm going crazy!!!!!