NCLEX tomorrow


Specializes in Med/Surg.

Okay, I just have to vent to a group that understands. I am taking my NCLEX tomorrow and I am freaking out. I keep telling myself that I am as prepared as I will ever be (took Kaplan), I did well in school and all of my circle of friends in school passed and they told me I will too. It is so hard to stay calm.......I just need to relax and focus. Argggggh!

Thanks for letting me vent! :rolleyes:


Specializes in oncology, transplant, OB.

Hi Kate,

Good luck tomorrow. Keep telling yourself that you did everything you could to prepare for this exam and YOU WILL PASS. Tonight relax, try to sleep well and eat a good breakfast tomorrow. Take the ear plugs they offer you and take your time with each question and try to stay as calm as possible. If you see a med you don't know, don't freak out, just take your best educated guess and move on. I took Kaplan too and found the Kaplan questions to be a little harder than the actual nclex questions so that should make you feel better.

You'll do great!! Keep us posted! :nurse:

Specializes in Medical and general practice now LTC.

Try to relax and no more studying, give your brain a rest

Good luck

Specializes in NICU.

Good luck! : )

Specializes in Telemetry.

Good Luck!

I'm taking it tomorrow too!

Specializes in Med/Surg, ICU, ER, Peds ER-CPEN.

Good Luck!! Keep us posted :)

Specializes in Med/Surg.

Thanks for all the support and good luck to all that are taking it today too!!! We can do it!

Kate :redbeathe

Good Luck to you! My thoughts and prayers are with you.

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