Nclex time is a huge factor of mine :-(


I scheduled my test for Sept 29. Hopefully Ill be ok... I have been studying since August 2. Will this be ok? Im doing everything in Kaplan. I have been getting 55-60% (thus far) havent done the q bank yet... I basically have done the class reviews the review of questions (+diagnostic and readiness test)

I have found out my main HUGE BIG PROBLEM. it is that my attention span is impossible... I know alot of people can answer each question in a matter of seconds... it takes me about a little over a minute. My mind is constantly worrying about the time. WHile taking the tests things keep popping in my head like movies i should see or plans I have after I get done studying... I take my time too much. My tests end with about 10-20 min still on the clock.

giving myself a pep talk before hand doesnt help either... I just cant concentrate on the question enough to not have to read the question for a 2nd or 3rd time:mad: I get so mad at myself.

When I answer questions without being timed I am not worried and I am able to think pretty straight. with a time in my face I get a little flustered and I just want to skip to the next question cause I have spent so much time on this one

I need someone to tell me how to overcome this. I dont want this to affect me while I am taking the NCLEX@

ANY ADVICE FOR A PERSON WHOs time affects them???? anyone else have this problem...

I would not worry about this too much as long as you can get enough questions correct in the alloted time on test day, you will pass. After that, you can daydream to your heart's content!

I just wanted to tell everyone I PASSED with 75 questions@! miracles are possible!@ I owe it all to Kaplan

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