NCLEX Takers


Specializes in Head & Neck Surgery.

Hello All,

Thank you for all the support over the last 3 months while I have prepared for the NCLEX. :redbeathe I recently took the NCLEX LVN in California this past Thursday and have 2 quick questions.

1) How long is the state averaging to get the results back to you?


2) What type of envelope would I like to see in the mailbox?

(small white envelope=good & yellow large envelope=bad?) I heard that the larger envelopes are not what you want to see because they contain the forms that are needed to re-apply to retake the NCLEX test.

I am hoping if some of you that haven taken the California NCLEX LVN can help me answer these 2 questions. Thanks in advance & good luck to all!!!! :up:

Specializes in Medical and general practice now LTC.

You are looking at more than a month before you will get an envelope in the mail.

This has been discussed multiple times on this forum, please just do a search as well as check out the sticky at the top of this forum.

And best of luck on your results.

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