Hello everyone. I took my exam yesterday and the computer shuts off at 76Q. I felt happy yesterday but today I'm starting to doubt my performance if I pass or fail. The first 50Q I was certain I was gonna shut off at 75Q. From the very beginning I received SATA. I had 4 consecutive SATA. There were times I get SATA then priority questions then SATA again. One time I had SATA then Drag & Drop or Drag & Drop then SATA. From question 50-75 I didn't get any SATA anymore thats why I was hoping my computer would not to stop at 75Q and it didn't. But after 76Q it went blue!!!! But I remember my 73Q was a drag and drop. And my 76Q was a referral and I know I got it wrong coz I google it. Does that mean I dragged my score below the passing standard thats why it shuts off at 76Q eventhough I was good during the first 50 Q (I just assume!!!!). I read many stories that as the questions get harder means youre doing good. But my experience was different. I never encounter unfamiliar diseases or drugs or procedures. Questions were not complicated. Thats why I'm doubting if I was below the line miserably. I research my answers yesterday and mostly I got it right. Please help!! Does anybody fails with 76Q eventhough you have lots of Alt Format Q?? I'm going nuts right now. I can't relax this long weekend knowing tomorrow is holiday and no mail. Im planning to wait the results through mail even though my state participates in quickresult (NY BON). I'm so traumatized with this exam coz this is my 3rd attempt and hopefully will be the last. First 2 attempts with dreadful 265Q. Both 1Above, 1Below, 6Near Passing.
Please enlighten me coz I'm getting crazy right now!!!!!