Published Jul 14, 2010
Robyn_wants 2 B A RN
23 Posts
I did the PVT as soon as I was done... it made me relax slightly but I keep hoping that I'm not the one person it doesn't work for... I'm so scared!!! The test was a blur honestly, I don't remember a single question. I feel like I guessed through the ENTIRE thing... I had like 15 SATA and a bunch of infection control and priority. The Meds that I got weren't that bad. It stopped at 75 and my heart started racing..
13 Posts
7 Posts
Congrats on finishing the nclex. I took it yesterday and felt terrible after. did PVT and got the good pop up, which also relieved me a bit. It's still nothing until i see my name on the BRN website but based on what you told me about the questions you got, it seems as if you passed, especially considering that you got the pop up as well.
I will keep my fingers crossed for all of us recent nclex takers and pray that this PVT is legitimate
28 Posts
congrats!!!! the trick works, so relax and plan your celebration's party
67 Posts
Congrats! I was also worried the trick wouldn't work for me - that I'd be that one person it was wrong for - but it does work! So get to relaxing, you deserve it!
38,333 Posts
Good luck with your official results.
6 Posts
I had the same experience as you! 20+ satas, infection control and priority. Mine also shut down at 75 and I got the "good pop up". But I'm a nervous wreck... Like you, I felt like I was guessing on all of them. Good luck with your official results. Keep us posted!
71 Posts
i took NCLEX this morning and the pearson site popup said "currently has an open registration and cannot register ta this time" it too soon to check?? helpppppppppppppppppp!! a wreck
14 Posts
Hey cajun I took mine yesterday and I got that same pop up, I believe they're still working on it, but literally after a minute later I reclicked 'next' and the pop up changed to the "good pop up", give it a little time, hope that helps, just too bad it's unofficial results
Summer Breeze
36 Posts
Congrats! I'm sure you did great. =)
I felt the same way as you earlier this week. But the PVT worked for me and I obtained my pass score two days later. =)
okay , I just did the pearson trick again and i got pop up saying" I am already registered and to contact ....." is that the good pop up??? thanks
Yeah! If it stated that: Our records indicate that you have recently scheduled this exam. Please contact your Member Board for further assistance. Another registration cannot be made at this time.
That's the good pop up. =)