Nclex RN january 2017

Nursing Students NCLEX


This post is for all those who are taking their nclex rn in January. How are you guys with your review? What materials are you using? Let's encourage each other. Thanks

Hi! guys, supposed to take the Exams end of Dec. But I re-scheduled to Jan. I am using Uworld and La Charity , GoodLuck to us! and Lets Pray for each other:saint:

Hy guys I'm taking mine also on January4th, I originally had it scheduled for dec 7 but rescheduled because I felt unprepared, even now I feel unprepared. I'm using nclex mastery, and Pearsons NCLEX comprehensive. I'm focusing review right now on OB, but I feel lost still. I don't know exactly how to go with the whole studying thing.

I foniahed school in may 2016 and then things got delayed for the board, long story short....I feel lost please helpí ½í¸­.

Ive been reading a lot of users have been using Uworld and it seems to be working for them. PLEASE HELP!!

Hy guys I'm taking mine also on January4th, I originally had it scheduled for dec 7 but rescheduled because I felt unprepared, even now I feel unprepared. I'm using nclex mastery, and Pearsons NCLEX comprehensive. I'm focusing review right now on OB, but I feel lost still. I don't know exactly how to go with the whole studying thing.

I foniahed school in may 2016 and then things got delayed for the board, long story short....I feel lost please help������.

Ive been reading a lot of users have been using Uworld and it seems to be working for them. PLEASE HELP!!

Hello, i feel the same. My initial plan was to take tge exam before this year ends i even quit my LVN job just to focus on this but i end up scheduling january 27, 2017. Sometimes i feel like i over extended that i should already be done with this by now. 50-50 of me feels ready and the other half not. I hate peds haha especially the milestones.. I don't know... i have used lippincott q&a, pda, nclex mastery, but haven't really finished those oh almost done supposed to be with lippincott but i recently subscribed to uworld and got hooked, so i am focusing on that right now with a lil more than a month left... well i guess its gonna be hard for us to enjoy Christmas and all that because of this exam eating away all our time studying.

Believe me i feel you. But hang in there soon all these will be over. The two letters will be after your name!

We have the same materials girl! :yes: Lets hope for the best.

Hi! guys, supposed to take the Exams end of Dec. But I re-scheduled to Jan. I am using Uworld and La Charity , GoodLuck to us! and Lets Pray for each other:saint:

Yes we can do this!!!! How are u scoring in uworld I can't raise my score above 60 haha i think im stuck

I am also planning to take my nclex on January 2017 and currently doing review. Review materials i am using are kaplan question trainer software, saunders for some contents, springhouse 3500 question trainer software and hogan. I am planning to take a one month subscription for kaplan qbank, i dont know.. i hope this will help.. struggling on my review while working at the same time, i hope we all pass guys..

Hi guys. I have not gotten my test date yet I am hoping the end of January or early February. I just graduated from Nursing school. I will use Remar Uworld and Sanders. I may do NCSNB. Anyone here doing NCSBN? I start Studying Monday.

Hello there!,The Score are up and down, But I hear many people say dont worry about the score but focus on the RATIONALES make sure we understand, So I felt relieved But still Worry ..:nailbiting: And scared to failed again! I am almost going to Sit at January 4th!..So WE CAN DO THIS!!!!

Hy guys I'm taking mine also on January4th, I originally had it scheduled for dec 7 but rescheduled because I felt unprepared, even now I feel unprepared. I'm using nclex mastery, and Pearsons NCLEX comprehensive. I'm focusing review right now on OB, but I feel lost still. I don't know exactly how to go with the whole studying thing.

I foniahed school in may 2016 and then things got delayed for the board, long story short....I feel lost please help������.

Ive been reading a lot of users have been using Uworld and it seems to be working for them. PLEASE HELP!!


We are in the same boat, Felt very unprepared at this time! The test is almost approaching but I felt that I dont know nothing!:yes: But We will do our Best! and Goodluck to you and me! Lol!:) We pray to each other! What time is your EXAM? My test is at 1:00pm!

I am also planning to take my nclex on January 2017 and currently doing review. Review materials i am using are kaplan question trainer software, saunders for some contents, springhouse 3500 question trainer software and hogan. I am planning to take a one month subscription for kaplan qbank, i dont know.. i hope this will help.. struggling on my review while working at the same time, i hope we all pass guys..

i salute u for working and studying at the same time, i find it very hard that i had to quit my work to focus on this.. i believe in you, in time all your hard work will pay off.. future RN

Hi guys. I have not gotten my test date yet I am hoping the end of January or early February. I just graduated from Nursing school. I will use Remar Uworld and Sanders. I may do NCSNB. Anyone here doing NCSBN? I start Studying Monday.

I have heard a lot of good stuff about ncsbn that it is very close to how the nclex rn is formulated. But I don't think i can use it now that i am approaching my exam. Will just focus on the materials i have since I haven't finished those too.

Hy guys I'm taking mine also on January4th, I originally had it scheduled for dec 7 but rescheduled because I felt unprepared, even now I feel unprepared. I'm using nclex mastery, and Pearsons NCLEX comprehensive. I'm focusing review right now on OB, but I feel lost still. I don't know exactly how to go with the whole studying thing.

I foniahed school in may 2016 and then things got delayed for the board, long story short....I feel lost please help������.

Ive been reading a lot of users have been using Uworld and it seems to be working for them. PLEASE HELP!!


We are in the same boat, Felt very unprepared at this time! The test is almost approaching but I felt that I dont know nothing!:yes: But We will do our Best! and Goodluck to you and me! Lol!:) We pray to each other! What time is your EXAM? My test is at 1:00pm!

i exam 1 pm as well just in case i have a hard time sleeping the night before. Lol

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