

I'm writing because I'm so scare of not passing the NCLEX-RN and I need some advice. I have the test scheduled for October 29th and 'm getting only 60 to 65 % in Saunder's and Kaplan. I'm very concerned because English is not my first language and I'm afraid this could make it even harder. Also, I need help with Pharmacology, did you have a list or memorized the more important meds? Did you divided them by prefix or terminations? how did you learned them? Any help or advice will be really appreciated. Thank you, Sandro.

Look in the stickies at the top of the NCLEX forum for the facts thread, the pharm list of suffixes is in there. Don't get tied up with predictor test scores, the test has been shown to go either way. Instead rely upon your own judgement as to how ready you feel. Good luck.

Hi there I tried to find the link but couldn't find it any body can tell me where to mind the pharmacology suffixes link ? Thank you for all the help.

Specializes in Medical and general practice now LTC.

There are some good threads on Pharmacology have you tried the search facility using Pharmacology as the key word?

I know your feeling I just pass my Boards two weeks ago. I was getting the same grade you are getting on Kaplan and I pass on 75Q's. just keep doing question and make sure you understand what they are asking you. Good Luck :)

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