Published Oct 4, 2010
1 Post
Hey guys/gals,
You've all been much help throughout these past 2 months since I failed my first take at the NCLEX.
I'm just wondering how long did it take you guys/gals who had to retake to be able to set up an appointment for the retake. I already paid the $200 last month but have not yet seen the option to set up the appointment/location/time.
Today is the 50th day since I've recieved the bad news about the results from my last test. I'm a graduate from Texas if that makes any difference.
The NCSBN states it's only 45 days.
Thank you ahead of time.
- Woof
178 Posts
You will need to check with your BON of your individual state. I am from Indiana, the required time stated by the BON is 90 days.
Silverdragon102, BSN
1 Article; 39,477 Posts
Each state is different but if you have completed state requiremetns in regards to resitting exam and have paid pearsonvue then you should receive a new ATT and then should be able to schedule new date. If not contact state BON or Pearsonvue to see what is happening.
Moved to the NCLEX forum
1,547 Posts
hey guys/gals,you've all been much help throughout these past 2 months since i failed my first take at the nclex.i'm just wondering how long did it take you guys/gals who had to retake to be able to set up an appointment for the retake. i already paid the $200 last month but have not yet seen the option to set up the appointment/location/ is the 50th day since i've recieved the bad news about the results from my last test. i'm a graduate from texas if that makes any difference.the ncsbn states it's only 45 days.thank you ahead of time.- woof
you've all been much help throughout these past 2 months since i failed my first take at the nclex.
i'm just wondering how long did it take you guys/gals who had to retake to be able to set up an appointment for the retake. i already paid the $200 last month but have not yet seen the option to set up the appointment/location/time.
today is the 50th day since i've recieved the bad news about the results from my last test. i'm a graduate from texas if that makes any difference.
the ncsbn states it's only 45 days.
thank you ahead of time.
- woof
did you re-apply to texas bon and send the application again?
51 Posts
Im in Va and had to paid 200 to pearson for retake and 25.00 to BON for retake also i called Bon after everything was paid and gave it A week. after a week i called BON and asked them if they got my retake paperwork and they said yes...SO i called peON told me i dont have to wait 45 dayz to resubmitt paperwork and schedule exam.. exam just has to be scheduled from 45 ayz of your last exam...
Good LUck
38,333 Posts
Good luck with your next effort.