Nclex-pn June 2017


Hi everyone, so I took my test June 7, 2017.

I felt great going in and even when the test shut off at 88-90 questions. (After 85 I stopped looking) I felt like it was too easy, I had select all apply, cardio, delegating, and maternal. Absolutely no math and about 2 pharm questions.

Im in California and we don't have quick results it's about a 6 week wait.

so, of course right after I left the building I sat in my car and tried the pvt. took me to the cc page and I entered an expired credit card and said credit card declined call bank. So naturally I balled my eyes out since that's the bad pop up. I tried again 24 hrs later and 48hrs later same pop up. Credit card declined. Call bank. I feel completely defeated. This was my second time taking the nclex Pn. First time it stopped at 107-9 questions. I have read a lot about the pvt is revamped for 2017 and they caught up with the trick and it no longer works? Thoughts?

The 1st time you took the exan.. How long did u wait before you got the results?

Tried this trick yesterday it does work.i got my results today so i think i definitely worked for me. I thought i had failed and i cried my eyeballs out yesterday. I know some people say it did not work for them and a few days later they passed.

Did it give you the good pop up?

UPDATE: I failed, 2nd time. Convinced this isn't for me. Officially done with nursing.

Dont give up ! I have a friend that has taken it 4 times on the 5th she passed. It can be done. I got kicked out of nursing school the first time around so i had to redo alot . Its tough especially when you have kids and family and you need to get stuff done.

Exactly I was hurt and emotional but I calmed down now lol I'll give it some more gos

Hi.. So sad to say but i failed the exam.. So heartbreaking!í ½í¸¢í ½í¸¢í ½í¸¢í ½í¸¢í ½í²”í ½í²”í ½í²”í ½í²”

It's okay, I did too. I have failed twice now. Please don't give up!!! We can do this!

It's okay, I did too. I have failed twice now. Please don't give up!!! We can do this!

Yeah we can do this! Let's start studying again and do some more practice questions.. I think that would be a big help for us..


I am currently waiting for my application to be reviewed to get my ATT. Can you guys please tell me what you guys have been using to study. thanks in advance

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