Published Apr 26, 2017
3 Posts
hi! I took my nclex yesterday morning here in Oregon. I believe if I passed this morning I should have gotten an email? I have done the trick and I have been getting the good pop up everytime and it's been past that 24 hour mark. I guess I am confused as to why I haven't got an email yet? Is that normal!!?
Silverdragon102, BSN
1 Article; 39,477 Posts
Moved to the NCLEX forum
Rose_Queen, BSN, MSN, RN
6 Articles; 11,976 Posts
You could always check the OR BON website to see if you're listed with a license. I don't know that there are states sending out emails. However, it takes more than 24 hours to get results as the exam is scored twice- once when it finishes and once 24 hours later.
I have and nothing shows up. Would it show at 24 hours? I'm so confused. Aside from the good pop up how did others know they passed?
akulahawkRN, ADN, RN, EMT-P
3,523 Posts
There are two ways you would know you have passed. One is that at 48 hours, if you're in a state that participates in Quick Results (not sure if Oregon does) you just pay Pearson Vue a small ~$8 fee and they'll tell you. The other way to be 100% certain is that you find out that you have a license issued. I'm in California and this state doesn't do QR. Myself and a fellow student both found out we'd passed when we saw our RN license numbers pop up on our state's website that tracks these things. It also showed up on NurSys. Our licenses were issued about 35 hours after we'd submitted the exam for scoring. The reason I state this is because Pearson Vue sometimes scores these exams really quickly after submission and sends the results out in less than 48 hours.
Generally speaking (though exceptions do occur relatively frequently from what I've seen) if you are getting the "good popup" after 24 hours, you likely have passed. If you're getting it after 48 hours, just pay the small fee to be certain if you haven't seen license numbers issued to you yet.
Truly speaking, since you have finished the exam, there's nothing you can do to change the outcome, so go have some fun, don't think about the exam, and check at 48 hours by quick results if you can.