With Saunders disk: Anyone get "Director Player Error"?

Nursing Students NCLEX


Help! I am so mad right now. I have been doing the questions on the Saunders disk with no problem. Now all of sudden today I can't open anything. Everytime I click on "Study" or "Exam" the stupid thing comes up that says "Director Player Error/ Script Error. Continue?" Did any of you get this and if you did (which I hope I am not the only one), how did you fix it?

I had the same problem. I used the study mode and clicked all 4000++ questions. I just take note what # I stopped at and the next time I want to study, just do the same(click all the categories in study mode) and type the # where I last stopped.

Thank you Precy, but that doesn't work for me. I can't open the study mode. I can't open any of them. Whenever I click on all of them that "director player error" thing comes up. I am furious. What happens if I can't ever use it again? There has to be a way to fix this, I just don't know who to contact. Thank you again for your help!

Specializes in Progressive care.

Try uninstall and reinstall it, cos it happened to me once. i hope this works. Goood luck

Thank you Cynditoks! I did just that and now it works!!! :roll

Specializes in Progressive care.

I'm glad it worked good luck with ur studies.

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