Pearson "trick" 2017 NCLEX RN

Nursing Students NCLEX


I've been on this site all month reading about the NCLEX and the Pearson vue trick; and I told myself if I passed that I would share my experience! So here I am :)

I graduated December 16, 2016 and signed up to take the NCLEX January 30, 2017. To study, I did the Hurst Review: 3 days live, watched all the videos online, and the 6 Q review exams. I found the Hurst to be a good review of the content, but more importantly the Q review exams helped me to "think like a nurse". My scores were: 63,71,81,80,84,79

When the day of my exam arrived, I still wasn't sure if I was going to try the trick or not.. but I ended up doing it as soon as I got to my car lol. To me, the exam was extremely difficult and I felt like I was getting them all wrong. I was also worried because I only got like 10 select alls.. however, I knew that I got the last question right, which I heard was an indication that you passed. Nevertheless, the screen went blue after 110 questions (took about 2 hours) and I felt horrible.

I went to my car and pulled out my debit card to re-register (changing the exp. date and security code) and when I hit submit the first time the pop up wasn't there because you actually have to "view all your info to make sure it's correct" and then hit submit AGAIN to get the pop up. I got the good pop up and couldn't believe it, ugly cried for a good 5 minutes, and checked the board of nursing website the next day at 9am and PASSED.

I find it funny that when I didn't see the pop up at first - it was like a death sentence, but once I actually got it - I was skeptical of its legitimacy lol. Everyone in my graduating class who has gotten the pop up has passed (at least 10 of us so far). Some people suggest waiting, but I tried it literally like 15min after I was done testing and it worked.

My advice would be just to study and don't give yourself any reason to feel regret once you sit in front of that computer; know that you did everything you could do to prepare and you can do it!

Best of luck to future RNs!

Did you use UWorld at all? I used Hurst and UWorld and I'm just hoping that is enough to pass. I did get a 92% (highly chance of passing) on my UWorld predictor so hopefully that means something. I take my test tomorrow and I'm just burnt out!

I did not, I just used Hurst. But that's a really good score, I think you've got it!

I also just did one of my Hurst Q Review and got a 75/125.. Granted I guess I didn't focus too much. I just wanted to see where I stand ballpark wise. Do you think I'll be ok?

Congrats on passing! How much/what did you study daily? I also attended the 3 day live review. I have the HURST materials to review online, and will test around March 15th. Any advice on a study schedule, or what I should be doing daily?

Yes! Just take it one question at a time

My friend and I developed a schedule to rewatch the topics covered in class in addition to the specialties. We would study for 4-5hrs a day: 2 videos in the morning, lunch, and then 2 videos in the afternoon. The week before our tests we did a Q review each day and reviewed the rationales for each question; and since our tests were different, we were reviewing 250 questions a day. I only looked at Hurst material, their resource documents are very good for reviewing immunizations and developmental stages for babies.

How far in advance did you start studying? Did you re-watch more than once?

The three weeks leading up to the exam (2 weeks of videos and 1 week for the Q reviews).

Thanks for the advice.

took today and at 75 it turned off. i was felt like vomiting coming out an hour later saying i failed. I just did the PVT and got good pop up ...hoping it legit can at least calm me a little till Friday ....praying to see the real deal soon!

Just finished my exam and shut off at 75. I honestly feel like I did terrible. Lost count of how many SATA and I was just all over the place. However, I just tried the PVT and got this:

Our records indicate that you have recently scheduled this exam. Another registration cannot be made at this time.

Please tell me this is the good pop up!

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