NCLEX picked my brain

Nursing Students NCLEX


Well, today was the day of my test. I do not know what was worse, hearing noisy car mufflers off in the distance or my heart thumping at 135+ while using the ear plugs. I studied a lot for the test and found it to be of no use. The NCLEX quickly determined that my weakness was Priority questions.

As far as questions go, I received 215 and finished in 1 hour and 58 minutes. I had around 30 SATA and close to 75 priority questions. The good news is that I received the good pop up. :up:

LOL this made me laugh!! I will also be taking the NCLEX in 4 days, and I already have these heart palpitations -_- Congrats on the good pop up! Now send some luck over this way please!!

Yes----------though I am not a God fearing man, I will think good thoughts for you-----------

I think the proctors thought I was on crack speeding through it. The worst part was my hand was so sweaty that it was slipping off the mouse. :redbeathe

Jeez, 75 priority, how were they? Those are what is most intimidating for me, were they obvious??

obvious, no-------------------Below is how a lot of them were (not an actual question, but similar)

Patient 1 K of 3.9

Patient 2 Na of 142

Patient 3 Resp of 16

Patient 4 Pain 1 out of 10

Who is the priority? No other info given-----------------------

OH JOY! So what material(s) did u use to study?

I bought a book called "Comprehensive Review for NCLEX-RN" by Mary Ann Hogan------------- All i did was practice questions on the cd with rationale. I have 6 other friends that have the same book. So far 2 have passed, hopefully I did with the PVT pop-up, And the others are taking NCLEX in the upcoming weeks.---------------------

I purchased it at a used store for $20.

The cd is good. It will show you your strengths and weaknesses. I found by doing the questions fast (30 seconds or less) that my overall score increased by 8%. So, on the NLCEX, I went as fast as possible.

Good luck on your official results.

I've been using the same book, but I've been iffy about it since everyone on here talks about Kaplan and Saunders. Now that u mentioned Hogan my confidence has sky rocketed!! WOOHOOO!! I really like the CD, I'm actually learning from my mistakes. Thanks for the confidence booster! Best of luck to you on ur official results!


Monkey---------yes use the cd in study mode------------I did it nonstop for about 5 days prior to test... On NCLEX, there was nothing that I did not know due to using that cd from the book. If I had any advise, it would be to get another book for the priority questions. I should have. I excel in the content area, but for some reason cannot master those questions. I always feel that they are too subjective or that not enough information is given...

Also--------------LOOK closely at diseases that require isolation, from birth and up, and remember those----------when to wear mask, gown, glove , hepa etc...

I feel as if the NCLEX was frazzled with me... I knew that I was acing the hard questions and missing the super easy. Then, about 8 times through the test, my screen went blank for 15-60 seconds. So I guess it was trying to decide what to give next.

Thanks for the info!! I will definitely keep in mind. What were u scoring on the 25 question quizzes? I've been scoring in the high 60s, which is kind of worrying me. Infection control I've been scoring in the 80s consistently..


I just can imagine... I am not good taking test.. is a traumatic experience from the signing in. Maybe one of the priority you share was on the 15 they dont count...

Its time to have a relaxation day and feel the air running.... Happy and memorable day for you!

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