How many pages/day of Saunders do you go through?

Nursing Students NCLEX


My focus limitation doesn't allow me to review (I'm doing this for the 2nd time) more than ~50/day, which usually means a big chapter + appropriate meds or few smaller chapters. I've read some people mentioning doing the whole book in a week, so I wonder am I too slow or what... :chair:

You really have to be diligent...didn't have a life mos 2 mos. I didn't bother using review books to review what i used is all their CD. at least every wk i answer diff. cd program. one wk i answer NCLEX 3500 comprehensive. Then second wk Lippincott, Then 3rd wk Saunders. Then a week before I took the test I did Kaplan which I highly recommend. While answering all the question just take note whatever diseases that you missed or don't have a clue go look it up in your textbook to get familiar. I'm telling do a lot of Pracetice question so that you'll get used to it.:nurse:

You really have to be diligent...didn't have a life mos 2 mos. I didn't bother using review books to review what i used is all their CD. at least every wk i answer diff. cd program. one wk i answer NCLEX 3500 comprehensive. Then second wk Lippincott, Then 3rd wk Saunders. Then a week before I took the test I did Kaplan which I highly recommend. While answering all the question just take note whatever diseases that you missed or don't have a clue go look it up in your textbook to get familiar. I'm telling do a lot of Pracetice question so that you'll get used to it.:nurse:

Yeah, I have several test programs, but I decided to use them in the last two months before the test. Right now I'm polishing my theory by re-reading Saunders over and over again trying to fill all the gaps in my current knowledge (which are still pretty plentiful).

Just do a lot of practice questions at least 5000 it will really help especially the rationale the more you do it you'll get used to different type of question and learn technique with how you think and pick the right answer. then do Saunders and review their book a week before the test. Don't worry you'll make it the second time trust me if you really put time and effort with your studying if will pay off in the end. GOOD LUCK

The first time i took NCLEX, I didnt have SAunders 3rd ed, I mainly focus answering cds, but it didnt work for me.. After that, I read Saunders, and really be patient studying, I was soo slow.. Sometimes it took me a week for only one chapter. It took me almost a year to finished reading the whole Saunders book. It paid off, because now am an RN;)....

What Can i advice to those reviewing, start taking notes and make codes that u can eaily remember this disorder or this drugs. When u have money, buy tape recorder and record ur voice so no matter what u do, or maybe ur lazy to read the book. You can just onn the recorder and still study by hearing ur voice. Thats what my frend did;) Because of course there some days where really lazy too read right? soo it really helped her alot. Plus u can bring it anywhere;)

Specializes in Intensive Care:Gen.type.

i do at least a 150 questions per day...of the saunders cd. i do it by parts..lets say 75 in the am, then the remaining at night..

[color=#a0522d]then when i scored low on some areas, i read that topic and take down notes...

[color=#a0522d]anyhow, everyone has their own style in reviewing for as long as the ones reviewed are being retained..

[color=#a0522d]goodluck to us...

I did the Saunders book and I tried to do 30 to 40 pages a day. Although I did all of the little chapter tests as I read through the book, I didn't touch the CD until I was finished. I spent the three weeks prior to the NCLEX just doing practice test after practice test.

I also did the comprehensive exams in the Lippincott (in case you haven't heard, you have to really careful with the Lippincott b/c some of the letters for their correct answers are wrong - you have to be sure to read through the rationale to be sure what the right answer is).

I have to say that I think it was a mistake to rely so heavily on the practice tests. I just took (and passed) the NCLEX last week and the questions were NOTHING like what I had practiced. Instead of memorizing facts, my time would have been better spent making sure I really understood the physiological processes involved. Don't just memorize the symptoms of a disease - know what's causing the symptoms. I passed with 75 questions but I felt really really shaky and unsure of myself during and after the test.

Good luck!

That is how I felt totoroRN.. I did thousands of questions and didn't feel like any of them were like the ones on the NCLEX. Maybe a few.. This test is hard going back for my third time

Which Saunders book are you referring too?

Comprehensive or Q & A?

Which Saunders book are you referring too?

Comprehensive or Q & A?

Comprehensive... :)

100 pages a day and in 10 days was done going thru the book

I did around a 3 -4 large chapters maybe 150 pages or a little more per day, it took me a few weeks to do the whole saunders book then i went back to the topics that were in weak area. now im doing the cd questions every day.

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