Published Jul 17, 2009
16 Posts
Ok so I am taking my NCLEX on the 29th and I am freaking out. I took 2 review classes (ERI and Kaplan) and have been doing questions everyday, mostly QBank but also using a book from Pearson Vue. So far, all the people in my class I've talked to have passed, so I'm hoping that means my school prepared us well...But I am just nervous I will be the only one to fail! From what they have told me, they felt like they knew NOTHING that was on it, yet somehow they passed? I have been doing pretty well on Kaplan's QBank questions and tests, usually around 60%, sometimes lower but sometimes much higher.
Basically at this point, I just need to vent to some people who understand the pressure and anxiety, because my family members, boyfriend and friends just don't get it, even though their intentions are good.
SO...any tips on how to not be freaking out on D-Day? I don't want my anxiety to mess me up. I just want to take this test and get it over with already!! :uhoh21:
11 Posts
Hi there! I am sorry for how you are feeling, and I can relate. I was freaking out about my test about a week before as well. I know it is nervewrecking especially when you have no idea what will be on the test. I posted a thread similar to yours and I got some great advice. When you are having those feelings of pure anxiety, that is the best time to study more. It sounds stupid, but it really helped calm me down.
I took my test Yesterday, and I got 75 questions. I really felt pretty good about it afterwards, and felt like I really knew what I was doing when I answered the questions. I prepared well, as you are doing. Be sure to get a good night of sleep before your test, and eat a good breakfast or lunch. Remember it is also important to have faith in yourself.
I don't know the results of my test yet, I will know tomorrow. However I have done the pearson vue trick and received the pop up, so that has helped put my mind at ease.
Good luck! Keep us posted!
25 Posts
when i was taking the nclex everyone said they understood btu i knew they did not know exactly how i felt. How can they? We all do. if you have been doing questions thats great. I did 100-150 questions a day for around 5 weeks and passed. I did it 7 days a week. The night before go out to eat with a friend..distract yourself, it actually helps. There is not studying in the world that can help you the night before. Good luck