Nau Nursing Spring 2016

U.S.A. Arizona


Hi everybody, I decided to start this post because I spend all day everyday looking for answers that will calm my nerves about applying to yet another nursing school program. I currently have all of my prerequisites complete and I have a GPA of a 3.75 (is that GOOD?). I have not taken my Kaplan yet so I am hoping some people that have already take it can comment on her and give their advice on hard it was and what the best study materials are. It helps me to hear other peoples stories so I can kind of base my situation off of theirs. I'm hoping that my GPA is good enough and if I get at least a 85 on the Kaplan that I will get into the Tucson location. With only 20 spots available it just makes me a little nervous. I want this to be a post where anybody can post question and get answers in order to clear up confusion, or help people who are like me and just need some reassurance on their GPA and Kaplan score.

Hey, I've been looking for someone who can compare Kap vs. TEAS. Would you mind sharing how you felt each of the 4 sections compared to each other? I've taken the TEAS as well and am scheduled to take the Kap in a week. From what I've gathered, it seems like the reading and writing/English sections might be similar on both tests. Kaplan math seems like it will be easier-- mainly just because a calculator is allowed and I'm slooow at math so that put a damper on my TEAS :( ;) And then science.... well the subject matter on the Kaplan sounds like it is more "up my alley" cuz I love A&P/Patho. But it also seems like it might be a lot more specific than the TEAS, which could make it harder. What did you think?

Oops... I meant to post the above as a reply to Egaddy but I don't know how or if you can tag individual people so hopefully you will see this! :facepalm:

The Kaplan is 1000x easier than the TEAS one very section other than science. I would study all A&PII for the Kaplan and brush over the other subjects. If you already took the TEAS you should do well in the other subjects. What did you score on the TEAS?

That is GREAT to hear! I scored a 76 on the TEAS the first time I took it but I basically hadn't studied yet at all (yeah-- bad move, but also long story haha). So I will be taking TEAS again on Tuesday and then the Kap next Friday. I feel much better about the TEAS this time around because last time, I literally just hadn't done math by long-hand in SO long, I didn't remember how to and was second-guessing every little thing.:no: And as far as the science section, I hadn't taken chem, micro, A&PII or patho yet... so a lot of it was just foreign. But I took all of those this past semester and it turned out that taking them all together really enhanced my understanding of everything science-related. Thank you so much for your advice! I will really dig deep into the body systems and related patho over the next week. How did you end up doing?

Hi, I'm not at the Tucson campus. I only applied for yuma and flagstaff and got into yuma and was an alternate for flagstaff. I only studied for the math and science sections. For the math, the Kaplan entrance exam study guide book had everything I needed in there. The math and reading sections were very easy to me. I'm not sure how to study for the writing part. I thought it was a bit confusing. The science section I used youtube videos. I searched for the topics the entrance exam study guide said we're part of the Kaplan test. If I had had an a and p book, I would've used that. Good luck on your test!

Thanks Cocobean15 :) And congratulations!

No problem and thank you! :)

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