NAU Nursing Fall 2016

Nursing Students School Programs


I thought I would start this blog for the NAU spring 2016 nursing program application cycle!

I take the Kaplan exam on March 11th and the application is due during spring break. (March 15th)

Just want to know who else is out there apply this cycle :)

Yes- I work at Flagstaff Medical Center! I usually work 16 hours a week, with the occasional 24 or 32 hour week. Just have to be efficient with studying and homework to make it work! One girl in our program has a newborn baby, and has a is totally possible! Feel free to ask any other questions you guys have. :)

Oh, great! I'm gonna NEED to work. :) do you know if the Hepatitis B immunization is required or optional? My boyfriend goes to PIMA right now and it was optional for him, so I was wondering!

Yes, they require a Hep B vaccine!

I don't know, I think my mom has my records at home so I'll have to check that. :) did you get your scrubs from the bookstore or did you get them elsewhere and get them embroidered? Also, do you have to wear scrubs starting the very first day to class and whatnot?

Yeah- definitely check with your mom, there are a few vaccinations that most people get at birth that they require, it would be a bummer if you got them all again for no reason! :)

I got my scrubs online, because I just like the way scrubs specific for men fit better than unisex. Plus, you can get much snazzier scrubs online (more pockets, softer, etc)! And then there is a place in town that has the NAU logo that will embroider them for you. And from what I remember, they will require you to be in uniform for your first lab day. They are a little more lax with things like the NAU Nursing nametags, because they take a while through the bookstore, but the scrubs and stuff they require. You'll be fine because you have all summer to get ready! My cohort started in the spring, so we had a little less time. :)

Yeah, I wouldn't want to get them if I didn't need them :( hmm I'll have to look into the embroidery place and see what option would ultimately be cheaper :) so do you only wear scrubs in lab? Or are you required to wear them in class, as well?

Just in lab + clinicals. In later semesters, lab sort of becomes completely replaced by clinicals, but your first semester you spend 1/2 the semester in the lab, and the remaining half at your first clinical site (for the Flag campus, at least). The only time you wear your scrubs to lecture is if there is something "lab" related also that day, which happens (SIM, skills days etc). But they always tell you if there is a reason you need to wear them to lecture.

Oh, okay! I am so excited. I really hope everyone gets emails tomorrow! :geek: do you guys practice IVs and shots and whatnot on each other?

No, we are only allowed to practice on the dummy arms. Your first semester you do sub-q injections, and then starting second semester you learn IV's and IM's. :)

I'm so anxious haha :nailbiting:

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