National University SD Cohort 39

Nursing Students School Programs


Hello, Im creating a thread for those who are applying to National University SD cohort 39 starting july 2014. I figured we can all post our experience through this process of applying.

what was your essay question? Mine was, how do you see yourself contributing to the nursing profession.

Thanks dukesmama, I take my teas and essay next friday. Also did you hear the changes to the curriculum for the nursing program that is in effect as of next week. There are an additional 5-7 classes required before you can apply. So that means if we do not get into this cohort we will have to take more classes before we can apply. My advisor just informed me of the bad news today.. Fingers crossed!!! hope we all get in !!!

I think we are allowed to take the TEAS out of national how ever many times we want. Good luck on saturday, I think I will take it on the 29th at SDSU

My prompt was that nursing school is a rigorous process. How will you make sure you're successful in the program?

I would definitely take the teas before going to national so you don't have to worry about 2 tests on the same day. It was nice for me that I got to leave there after an hour and I wasn't sitting in a corner trying to cram for the teas right after test 1. My nerves can effect my performance so that is why I spilt the tests up.

Oh my gosh! That is so horrible! Well, I guess we all need to get in then :) Good luck to all!

Hi Everyone, I am in cohort 36 and one of the best things that I did to prepare for the essay was to have an appt with the nu writing center. I haven't had to write an essay in a long time and this really helped me to format and brainstorm before going in. I did not do as well as my friend on the teas but did awesome on the essay and got in while my friend did not. Don't underestimate the essay and really try to pour your heart and soul into it. It makes a difference.

Thanks for the tip :)

Thanks for the tip :)

I also applied for the cohort 39. I'm nervous as I see comments and prospect students posting %above 85%

and that was not my case. I feel I did well on my essay but my teas was in the low 70s. When I printed my results, it showed the median for NU was 70%. My GPA is 3.5

if I recall correctly. I have a medical degree from Mexico, so I hope that helps ;). Good luck to all of you guys

Good luck everyone, i tried out the TEAS at sdsu and got a 70%, I'm taking it at national this friday hopefully I do better and really preparing for the essay as well.

Good luck everyone

I will also be taking it on Friday. What did you think of it ? Was there a lot of chem? I was going to take it before my actual date at National but they told me I could only take it once every 60 days (doesn't matter if its w/ National or another site) . I currently have a 4.0 and all attempt points .. I guess to match what was accepted cohort 38 I would need to score a 85% on TEAS and 2/5 on the essay. I've heard there are 4 versions given. A friend of mine said he had maybe 3 or questions on chem and no earth science but another said she has a good amount of chem and a few earth science questions. I don't see how that is fair. I wish it was one version to be fair to all.


if you don't mind sharing, what was you essay topic?

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