National University San Diego

U.S.A. California


Has anyone had any luck with applying at National University for their nursing program? I applied back in Oct 06 and have been waiting to hear from them. They are supposed to notify in 3 months. I have called and called and written email upon emails with no response really. :banghead: Please, if anyone has applied and received some sort of letter, I would greatly appreciate your reply.


I got an 88.8 on my TEAS. Do you know the link to their point system? I would like to see it!

Total 100 points possible: # Attempts - 20 points, GPA- 30 points, TEAS- 30 points, Essay- 20 points

Number of attempts to achieve C or higher in each pre-requisite (A&P1, A&P1 lab, A&P2, A&P2 lab, Micro, Micro lab and Bio Stats for a total of 21 points possible) 1 attempt is 3 points, 2 is 2 points, 3 is 1 point, 4 or more is 0 points = Your points divided by 21 points and multiplied by 20

GPA = Your pre-requisite GPA divided by 4.0 mulitplied by 30

TEAS = Your TEAS score divided by 100 multiplied by 30. Note that your first attempt with NU is free, so even if you have already taken it you might want to take it again as, iirc, they will take the highest of your scores.

Proctored essay is written the day of the TEAS. If you have already taken the TEAS and do not wish to retake it, they will schedule you to take it later on the same day others are taking the TEAS. The essay is graded out of 5 points each by two staff members. At the information session they stated that the essay is graded on a holistic scale (how well did you answer the question, grammar, spelling, etc.). I'm not sure they automatically share your essay score with you, but I remember them saying that you could request your points worksheet after the fact.


I believe there is an application deadline coming up in late November for July 2011 start! So if you're seriously considering NU for your nursing degree, get your transcripts in (mine took a little over a month to be evaluated) and get to an information session ASAP.

Good luck!

Also, is there anyone else on here who applied for the April 2011 cohort? I know it's too soon to have heard back yet, but I'm getting soooo anxious! :sniff:

Someone hit the fast forward button to get this waiting over with!

wow thanks so much DaleenMarine for posting the point system..ive been looking all over for this!! I have also just applied for April 2011, and YES very very anxious lol. im trying to calm down and convince myself I will get in but u just never know since they only take about 1/4 of the applicants. Competition could either be good or bad this time around. Is this your first time applying? It is my first time and ive heard they allow you to apply 3 times before you will no longer be at least there are still 2 tries to go, not that I want to wait tht long haha ;) Good luck to you, I hope we both get in!

Hi all, I haven't written in a while and just thought I'd say congrats to those of you who were accepted to cohort 25, and good luck to those who are still applying and doing prereqs. I'm in cohort 24, which just started the first class on September 27th. It's going by quickly, and isn't too crazy, but I think this is the calm before the storm! Health Assessment is right around the corner and I know that's a tough one.

I've seen a lot of conversation on the grades needed to get into this program. As has been said previously in this thread, it all depends on the cohort that you apply to, how many people are applying at the same time, and how well they all did. Before I applied, I thought it made a difference if I took classes at National vs. another school, or how much money I had, but I can tell you that those rumors are false. You getting in is based solely on your grades, your teas and your essay. Everyone is assigned an application score, and the top 50 people get in. Remember that a lot of the people who apply know each other from prereqs and talk during and after the application process. You can find out your exact application score and the cut off score for who got accepted, so it's a fair system.

Congrats and good luck again to all of you!

So I was wondering if anyone who has recently been accepted into the program can tell me this, I realize not everyone would know. What was your points out of 100, where was the cut off? Just trying to get an idea of how competitive it is. Thanks in advance :D

The cut-off for Cohort 24 was 82.53. I think the Cohort 23 was in the 84 range. I'm assuming that the cut-offs for the cohorts that apply in August will be higher tho since I think more people apply to those (anyone who finished pre-reqs in the spring would apply with this group).

Hey everyone :) I have a question for anyone in a Cohort less than 18. I'm in Cohort 18 and am finishing Community Health this month and now will be moving on to the last 3 classes of the program: Nursing Research, Issues in Professional Nursing, and Nursing Theories and Models... I, as well as others from my cohort, are dreading these last few classes because they scream research papers and things that don't help when you've got a big case of senioritis! LOL! :D Anyone who has taken the classes.. What did you think?!?

Hey prettyinpink,

I'm in cohort 22 and since they rearranged the classes for us, we had nursing theory and models first. It is probably the easiest course in the program. You just have 1 paper to write, and weekly posts online. I haven't had the other classes yet so I can't help you there. Have fun!

Hello prettyinpink!

Congratulations to you for being in your last classes! I was hoping to get some insights from you about the Child-bearing Family class. One of my gf's is getting married on Veteran's wknd and she's asked me to be a bridesmaid. I'd really like to say yes but I'm not sure if that's at all plausible if i have the child-bearing class during that time and how things work with the clinical aspect.

Any info that you could give would be really helpful. Thanks so much!

Hi Rishle,

I wish I could say different but it's really hard to commit to anything like that during clinicals. It really depends on your teacher, when your clinicals are and when the wedding is. During OB for us, our teacher was really strict. You could probably get away with missing 1 clinical, but for example if the wedding is Sunday and you need Sat/Sun off and you have clinicals Sat/Sun... you will probably have to miss the wedding. One girl missed her brothers wedding during OB.

Of course, you may get lucky and have clinicals Tues/Wed and be fine. That's the sucky part though, you just don't know.

I agree with the statement above, but I would say yes and chance it. Over the course of the program I had wonderful understanding clinical professors like 90% of the time, where it was ok to miss a clinical (but you have to do about 12 hours of make up assignments)... I only had clinicals on a Saturday once and that was in Med-Surg I... All my other clinicals for the other classes fell sometime between Monday and Friday. Obviously things may change but if I were in your situation I would commit to it. PLUS - once you do get your clinical schedule for that class, and let's say you have Sat/Sun clinicals, it is pretty easy to switch clinical groups with a classmate to have different days. Hope that helps! :D

I got my letter and was accepted into the April 2011 class. I was kind of worried but glad I got in... I guess I know what I'll be doing for the next two years.

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