Nassau Community College Nursing Fall 2018.

Nursing Students School Programs


Any one applying for Nursing at NCC for Fall 2018?

Are there any other forums on spring 19? I kow of one but not many ppl on there

No that I know. You will get something at the end of November or first week of December.

Yes so they told me I'm just so worried, my score is 152.5 hoping that's good enough

Its very good score.

Thank you just praying it's good enough, or I've calculated correctly .. scary

You are welcome! I am so scared I hope we both get in. Good luck.

You are welcome! I am so scared I hope we both get in. Good luck.

If you don't mind me asking - What's your score? teas i got a 93 on the math is that 15points ?

Last time my GPA for nursing was 3.47 but ten I took micro and got an A. Not sure about my gpa but teas points are 20 and 10 for Nassau residents and 5 for never been in program before. I guess its somewhere around 150.

Wow an A in Micro ! You the boss lol ; my Gpa is around 3.35 teas I believe are 35 points 5 for never being in a Nursing program- not sure if I qualify for the Nassau points so I'm at 152.5 I think !

Lol I guess I am. Your scores are Good because the max you can get is 196 so 153 is consider very good grades. I heard the cut off is 135

Wow 196! Is high ! The cut off for this spring is 135 or is that based on the past semesters?

Sorry for the late reply. No its been like that from past few years. I read someone mention on this page.

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