My school plan and my anxiety

Nursing Students Pre-Nursing


Hello all! I know in my other posts I put a bit of background about myself, but I will do it here as well for maybe a better understanding on my situation.

I've known I wanted to be a nurse since I worked in a nursing home when I was 16. I tried to get into an LPN program when I was 18, but I got too intimidated and bailed out after I failed my entrance exam. Since then, I watched my peers go into nursing school, and tried at other things because I was too afraid I wasn't smart enough or good enough to try nursing again. There was other reasons as well like I don't have my drivers license due to various things (like I'm blind in one eye and just scared to drive).

I am 30 now, and that "pull" to go into nursing has never changed. I'm not sure why I never considered the bus system, as well as, uber if it comes down to it to get back and forth to school if my ride is too busy that day to take me.

Anyways, I decided on two schools - Galen and Ivy Tech. There is a for profit school too (ATA College), but that school isn't accredited by any of the nursing specific accreditation agencies. Plus, it's extremely expensive, and I figured that would be a last resort. I want to get into Galen and I have an admissions appointment with them soon, but I am scared of that entrance test! I didn't pay attention in biology when I was in high school. Also I was never really good at math but then again I didn't really apply myself in high school like I should have.

If I studied for the test at Galen for like 2 months and failed, would it be a wise decision to go to Ivy Tech? Would the prereqs prepare me a little better for a test like that? I figured after I take the prereqs I can take the test again at Galen, and even do the test at Ivy Tech to see if I get in.

I guess my reasoning for writing all this out is I'm wanting to hear another person's advice. As you can probably tell from my post I do have anxiety issues. I plan on going to a therapist and getting on medication to control it. I just don't want this anxiety to hold me back anymore in my life then it already has. (Especially later in life if I do become a nurse.)

I am trying to stay positive but it's hard! haha.

I would skip the for profit schools and look into a community college. It will take a little longer but it will be far cheaper and you will most likely start out as a better nurse.

I would skip the for profit schools and look into a community college. It will take a little longer but it will be far cheaper and you will most likely start out as a better nurse.

Hi Luchador, thanks for replying and your advice!

There is a lot of stigma with for profit schools. I'm wondering if their programs are less quality than the other schools, or it's just because of their cost? That's my impression when I read other people's comments about them.

I agree it would probably be better because Ivy Tech is cheaper, since it's a community college, but Galen offers an evening part time program. It's way more convenient for me, and I think I would feel more comfortable going part time because of my anxiety problems. I like the thought of less classes where I can really focus on absorbing the knowledge. I want to be the best nurse I can be.

Also I know someone who has a sister who went to Galen and she said it was a great experience.

Galen is more expensive but I think the cost is okay with me because of all that.

Right now, I'm looking at the PAX entrance exam (for Galen) practice questions and studying from those. Makes me feel better knowing I'm doing something now. Lol

Hi Luchador, thanks for replying and your advice!

There is a lot of stigma with for profit schools. I'm wondering if their programs are less quality than the other schools, or it's just because of their cost? That's my impression when I read other people's comments about them.

I agree it would probably be better because Ivy Tech is cheaper, since it's a community college, but Galen offers an evening part time program. It's way more convenient for me, and I think I would feel more comfortable going part time because of my anxiety problems. I like the thought of less classes where I can really focus on absorbing the knowledge. I want to be the best nurse I can be.

Also I know someone who has a sister who went to Galen and she said it was a great experience.

Galen is more expensive but I think the cost is okay with me because of all that.

Right now, I'm looking at the PAX entrance exam (for Galen) practice questions and studying from those. Makes me feel better knowing I'm doing something now. Lol

We are lucky around here because there are community colleges that offer "non-traditional" programs where all the classes are at night and the clinicals are on the weekends.

The for-profit ones cost more because you can get it done quicker and they don't make you jump through as many hoops.

There are two things you said that MIGHT. . . MIGHT really point you to the community college. You said you aren't that strong on bio and math. Those are the two most important things. You will have to take some sort of "Math for clinical calculations." I called it "Nurse math." A lot of people that have been out of school for a while and weren't that strong on math had big problems with that class. Quite a few withdrew.

And mirco biology will be a mutha. It is chemistry and biochemistry and really gives people a rough time. I wouldn't jump into that class if I were you with out taking a college level bio first-- hell, in most places that is a pre-req.

At the end of the day, you will take the same NCLEX test no matter what school you go to. Best of luck!

Do your prerequisites at a community college first then transfer and take the entrance exam to the program you want; it is cheaper that way.

If the school isn't accredited, then stay far, far away from it. There's tons of posts on this forum of people having issues when it comes to obtaining licensure after graduation.

As someone with anxiety, I struggled to start college and kept intimidating myself out of it until I *had* to go. Once i was in, it was like I ripped the bandaid off and things fell into place. Heck, I'm intimidating myself out of my first nursing exam this coming Thursday haha

If you're set on attending the more expensive college, maybe it's worth it to see if you could get your pre-reqs done at Ivy Tech and transfer them over? You'll want to check with Galen to see what would go over.

Thank you all so much for your replies!

@Wiggly Litchi

I have read a lot of stuff about accreditation, and from what I can tell as long as the program is approved by the state's nursing board it's fine. I am just going to have issues if I decide to be an RN later on with transferring my credits. Since ATA College is nationally accredited not regionally. (I want to work in long term care so that shouldn't be a problem either. As of right now, I don't see myself wanting to be an RN. LPN is fine by me. :D)

Also some hospitals and federal jobs won't hire if the nursing program I attend isn't accredited by those nursing accreditation agencies. (I want to work in long term care so that shouldn't be a problem.) Obviously, at this point, it is just the quality of the program I should be worried about, and ATA College is like 87% pass rate for the LPN NCLEX. Also reviews from other students make it seem like the program is okay as well.

Am I wrong about the accreditation? If you wouldn't mind could you provide a link to a thread or two about someone's issues? It's no biggie if you don't. It's just I want to make sure I have my facts straight if my plans change or something.

Galen and Ivy are both accredited though so I won't have issues with those schools.

Also I know the anxiety thing man. Lol I guess it will get easier once I actually go out and do it. Stop overthinking. So many people I have heard and read say that nursing school is SO hard. I'm wondering, is it really that hard if I apply myself? Like I know I'm not going to have a social life and my nose will be in a book most of the time. I am fine with that. I 'm willing to walk that road or run it if I have to.


So far, I am leaning towards going to Ivy Tech for my prereqs. I mean this way I can get my CNA again too, and get a job! I believe that Ivy Tech will allow me to take the class along with my prereqs. Then I will take the TEAS test at Ivy and the PAX test at Galen. If I get into Ivy, I'll go there. If not then I will go to Galen. That sounds really good to me. Thank you guys again for your advice! I love this website. Lol

Specializes in mental health / psychiatic nursing.

Is there a reason you aren't looking at local community colleges? They tend to be cheaper, than private schools. Further more even though you think you only want to work as an LPN in LTC for now, there may come a day in the future when you want something different and going to a school whose credits transfer would be in your best interests for flexibility in the future.

As for anxiety and nursing school - take it one day at a time and remember self-care (exercise, sleep, eating nutritious good, and making time for things that relax you). While nursing school can be stressful it doesn't actually have to consume every single waking minute of every day - and there is time to care for one's self if you make it. I do think working with a therapist and/or other mental health provider is a good idea for learning strategies to manage your anxieties and will serve you well in the long-term.

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