My niece is a few days past 25 weeks and in the hospital....


her water began leaking about a week or so ago (she didn't know it was leaking though) and she has been in the hospital since Friday. She is dialated around 6-8 cm, but they gave her the medicine to stop the labor. She is also receiving surfactant (I think that is what it is called) for the baby's lungs. They told her the baby was 1 1/2 - 2 lbs in weight.

As of this morning, the baby is still in the womb. His heart beat is strong and he moves all over the place. The doctor's told her there is a 90% chance she will have it within the week.

She is so positive about this baby that he will be ok and the family is trying to help her remain positive. But I also know the NICU doctor's talked with her to tell her what could happen which is good.

Have you seen cases like this where the baby actually turns out ok? What kinds of things can she expect to have to deal with?

She is only 20 and I don't think she realizes what she is up against.


Specializes in cardiac, diabetes, OB/GYN.

It is a difficult thing but there are some instances when baby does ok in the long run. I will pray for her and you. Please let us know how things turn out...{{{{{}}}}}

hi there,

i hope your neice is fine. just thought i might reply because i share with her a similar experience. my first born (daughter) was born under similar circumstances. you see, i went into premature labour when i was 24 weeks gestation, and while i was dilated, they managed to keep her in with meds (muscle relaxant patch over the uterus, placed on the stomach area) and i gave birth to her at 26 weeks. i was bed ridden of course, and being dilated, there is the risk that her bag of waters could descend and burst, that may cause the need for an emergency caeserian, so being in bed as often as possible is definitely the way to go. my bag of waters did descend, but luckily it didnt burst. it happened on a trip to the toilet, so please let her know this. my daughter is 6 years old now, and has no residual problems despite the nature of her birth. with the technology they have now, babies as young as 22 weeks (or younger- i'm not sure) are able to survive. i wish her all the best for an easy delivery and a very healthy baby. i hope this has helped

her water began leaking about a week or so ago (she didn't know it was leaking though) and she has been in the hospital since Friday. She is dialated around 6-8 cm, but they gave her the medicine to stop the labor. She is also receiving surfactant (I think that is what it is called) for the baby's lungs. They told her the baby was 1 1/2 - 2 lbs in weight.

As of this morning, the baby is still in the womb. His heart beat is strong and he moves all over the place. The doctor's told her there is a 90% chance she will have it within the week.

She is so positive about this baby that he will be ok and the family is trying to help her remain positive. But I also know the NICU doctor's talked with her to tell her what could happen which is good.

Have you seen cases like this where the baby actually turns out ok? What kinds of things can she expect to have to deal with?

She is only 20 and I don't think she realizes what she is up against.


I am the mother of a 25 weeker, born last July.

Jacob weighed 1 pound 11 ounces, and wasnt the smallest baby in the NICU. He did have a rough ride - most 25 weekers do, but he came home aged 6 months with oxygen. Babies this small are at risk of having IVH's which is a fancy name for a bleed into the brain. Jacob had a bilateral grade III and has low muscle tone in his legs because of this. Also chronic lung disease or BPD is common due to being on ventilators for so long and the lungs being underdeveloped. During our NICU and PICU stay I would find that one day Jacob would be doing fine, and then within a matter of minutes would be very poorly. We were told a 50/50 chance, but have since founf so much more material stating that the statistics for survival for a 25 weeker are actually quite a bit higher than that. It all just depends on how the baby is. We were also told that girl tend to fare better than boys. Please if you want to chat - you can mail me anytime. My email is :

[email protected]

I have included Jacobs webpage below in case you wanted to see how a 25 weeker looks. There are more photos from PICU(when he was older) in the photo gallery further down.

Thanks everyone for your posts. So far, my niece is doing ok. I saw her last night and she is on bedrest in the hospital, in good spirits and hoping each day. I know each day is crucial.

Jacobsmum - thanks for the website, it helps to see just how tiny babies at that age really are.

I appreciate everyone's input and will post her progress.

Debi....since I am a student, I have no advice or words of wisdom, but I did just say a prayer for your neice and her baby and will be thinking of them both.

Specializes in CCU (Coronary Care); Clinical Research.

Shelley--Just wanted to say thanks for the link to Jacobs website--I really enjoyed viewing it, what a great way to chronicle his life and have others share and gain stregnth and support from it! Jacob looks like a little fighter...Hope he is doing well...

Debi--I hope you niece is doing well...good wishes her way...

with the technology they have now, babies as young as 22 weeks (or younger- i'm not sure) are able to survive.

I just had to say, that is not realistic. I have never been in a hospital that would resusitate a 22 weeker or even try. Any doc who would should be taken out and shot. There are probably one or two that have survived, but IMHO were probably older than their dates.

I do hope your niece's baby does well. I have seen 25 weekers do well. I have also seen the worst outcomes. She will need a lot of support from family either way, because even the best cases in the NICU are tough for parents.

Specializes in NICU, PICU, educator.

Oh, do I agree..less than 23, sometimes even less than 24 weeks...what a huge mess.

I have a friend at work that started leaking fluid at 25 weeks, and she just stayed on bedrest until she was 36 weeks and delivered a beautiful, healthy baby. :) Very lucky :) I am glad to see so many on here that had preemies that have made it, but you also have to remember, that the ones that come thru without problems are really kind of the exception..especially below 26 weeks. Sure, there is a high survival rate, but you have to look at the quality of life also..many end up with so many problems that the parents end up with a ruined marriage, no support and then end up putting the child into a long term care facility.

Good luck to your sounds like she has a great support system in place

OP...any news to share yet? How is your niece doing?

So far today she is doing fine. They did an ultrasound yesterday and measured the baby and said the baby has grown since last Friday andthey figured he weight approx 1 lb 14 oz.

Hopefully she will hold on for at a few more weeks.

thanks for asking

Has she dialated anymore? Still sending up prayers......

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