My experience with NCLEX-RN

Nursing Students NCLEX


I graduated from nursing school TWO YEARS ago. I have worked in a hospital since then, first as a float pool nurse aide and most recently as a critical care tech on a telemetry unit. I have been afraid for two whole years to even ATTEMPT to take the NCLEX. I'm not sure what I was afraid of. I always made excuses- that I couldn't afford to take it again if I failed, that I had too much going on in my life to study (partly true at times), that I wasn't ready to be an RN anyway. Everybody at work kept telling me to take it already, what was I waiting for? I don't know what did it, but I finally scheduled my exam for the very first time. I paid $100 for the NCSBN learning extension. I tried studying the content but honestly the site sucks mainly because it only provides a basic outline. The questions were pretty good though. Then I did my usual procrastinating. I had a month and a half to study but I barely did. So I rescheduled my NCLEX, pushing it back by two months. I was disappointed in myself. Of course I barely studied still, just doing questions when I got the chance (using Saunders or NCLEX 3500) and googling things I didn't know when I felt like it.

Then I talked to a friend of mine, who is already working as an RN, and I decided to move my NCLEX to a closer date- yesterday, in fact. I figured, even with my crappy study habits, I needed to get this over with, and I felt like my experience at work might just pull me through. I did it! I took the test! I had about 115 questions (not sure, I wasn't expecting the screen to shut off when it did). After I passed 75, my heart dropped. The first 75 weren't too bad, I actually thought I was doing decently. I had SATA, of course (which I am horrible at), and some drag and drops which I felt were pretty easy, 2 med calc questions (I only remember because someone at work told me if you get a lot of med calc questions you're doing bad), no picture or sound questions, and quite a few infection control questions (learn all the mnemonics for these, guys). After the first 75, however, the question got much harder it seemed. I felt like I was guessing for most of them. So when the computer shut off imagine how terrible I felt.

I left feeling numb. I got to my car and decided to try and register for NCLEX again. Unfortunately, I didn't read the instructions first and thought I failed when the first screen came up (asking which test you would like to register for). I found the instructions, hit that final "next" button, and got the "good" popup. I'm not going to lie, I cried all by myself in my car.

Now comes the waiting. Did I really pass? What if I'm one of the ones that the PVT doesn't work for? I want to believe SO BAD that it's correct and I passed but I won't find out for sure until tomorrow. The waiting really is the worst part. I plan on checking the BON tomorrow to see if my name shows up, and if it doesn't, then I'll fork over the money for my quick results. Good luck to all of you taking the NCLEX, and don't wait 2 years like I did! Oh and I'll update tomorrow when I find out for sure!

Ok I'll check with my friend first. Ill email you..


Congrats Nurse!!

Thank you!!!

Inspiring! Congrats, RN!

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