Published Jul 16, 2008
5 Posts
First off I forgot my verification to test so I had to leave the site already upset drive in a city I had no idea where I was to find a computer to get another copy of my verification. That was a fiasco and took over 1 hour. Not that I was not stressed already to take the NCLEX pn now my blood pressure was way over the top. To make a long story short got in there still worked up. Started the test and could not remember a darn thing. I got the first question wrong......forgot how many mls an ounce was!!! After I realized I missed that one I took a deep breath and tried to concentrate. I am a high honor student, recieved awards, study all the time, took a review class, over 4000 sample questions and it was all drugs questions that I had no idea what they were, lots of pick all that apply. Get one wrong your doomed. I thought I was so prepared and I think I guessed at over half. It turned off at 85. I would be happy if I was confident and knew many questions and it turned off then. I think it turned off because I was so worked up from trying to test couldn't remember squat. I am so nervous. Has anyone out there had no clue to many questions have it shut off at 85 and pass???? I think I am doomed.
All that studing and review not one question on there from any of it. I am so upset and beating myself up. I would at least feel better if it went over 85 at least then I feel I have a chance I think it turned off because I did so badly........anyone that can relate would love to hear from you
racing-mom4, BSN, RN
1,446 Posts
I see today is your 1st post. Funny I too found the day I took my own Nclex exam!!! I wonder how many other of us discovered this site the day we officially became nurses....
THere is not much you can do now, but take a deep breath, know that you gave it your all, you completed nusring school and that alone is an accomplishment. Thousands of people would kill to be in your shaky shoes today--think how many folks were not even able to ever make it to the actual Nclex process.
Odds are you did just fine, but my words alone will not settle your nerves. You can check out the student section there is an Nclex board and in there you will find tons of support.
Welcome to allnurses...and I hope next time I log on I see your post stating you passed!!!
Thanks for your support. I hope and pray I passed. You second guess yourself. Heard so many things......85 shut off you did fine, but I feel I did terrible. Time will tell. It will be a long 2 days. Thanks again talk soon.
35 Posts
Mine shut off after 75 questions. I was SURE I failed miserably because I had to guess on what seemed like most of the test!! I went to my car and started crying. But, I passed. So, hang in there, you probably did fine.
At least I have a glass of wine and this forum to get me through tonight. I am so shocked that it was not what I expected at all. I knew it would be hard but to feel like I guessed on almost all of them!! A friend of mine took it today as well she was done before me and was crying in her car.......she too shut off at 85 and said all the meds on their were terrible. Now trying to remember all the questions you just get them all jumbled in your head. Thanks for your support. I needed the boost!
locolorenzo22, BSN, RN
2,396 Posts
Yep, I shut off at 75 and I thought I was done.....then I it depends...take a deep breath, and concentrate on passing with visualization...
62 Posts
Took mine yesterday, it shut off at 75, and thought I failed too, but I didn't!!!! It was a horrible test. I felt like I guessed on the majority of the questions, did not know the meds they specifically asked about, just felt pretty crappy about the whole thing. I was so incredibly shocked and relieved when at noon today my name popped up on the BON web site (I probably only checked about 1000 times prior to that!). Think positive thoughts, the odds are that you passed. Good luck!
89 Posts
I took the NCLEX on June 25th and was the fourth person from my class to take the test so didn't really have any one to comiserate with. I got 15 select all that apply, about four med question and I really didn't know what the meds were. I felt like I guessed the entire exam...only a few questions did I feel like I got right. Always felt like I got it down to two reasonable answers, could justify both and in the end it was like playing einy miny miney moe. It shut off at 75. I figured I failed it.Now some will say that you can't tell whether you passed or failed at 75. My dear friend who took the test two years before and it shut off at 75 calmed my nerves. She said when she went to test because she is smart (not to be conceited but A student, did well in all clinicals, very devoted to her education, and studying for the NCLEX) so because she was smart she would probably hover around the passing line so much so that it would probably take the test well into the hundreds to determine that she failed. If you look at the Kaplan book it shows a chart of passing and failing at 75 questions. If you fail the line that says how you are doing plummets down sharply below the pass line. This made me feel better because I was a smart student and studied hard...didn't worry about it too much after that. I PASSED!!! Almost everyone in my class that has takent it, have had around 75 and everyone has passed. Basically, we all felt like we guessed on the test. I am bet you did great and if you felt like you aced it, that would probably mean that you got easy questions which would not put you over the pass line. I also only did about 25% of the Q bank, and all seven question trainers...I consistently was scoring 59's (even on question trainer 6 &7 where you are supposed to be getting mid 60's )Hope this helps...basically the worst part is the psych head game the test plays with you during and the two days after the test. Once I passed I thought," I worried about this stupid test for two years and that was IT?!?!" Good Luck and let us know how it worked out.
317 Posts
I took my test in 92'...the year before FL went to it was a 2 day event. I holed up in a hotel room the night before and did not study. I figured if I didn't know it by now, it wouldn't make a difference over one night. I got up feeling good...ate a light breakfast and just about the time I had to take the tram to the test I threw up BIG time...I had the rattled nerves beyond belief. My mind went blank (I have test anxiety) and to top it off...we had the Ferris Bueller (sp) instructor that could bore the paint off of the wall...took weeks to find out but it was good news.
241 Posts
Long day, huh!! Just take a deep breath and TRY to relax. Keep yourself busy while you are waiting for your results, that way you don't just sit & wonder and worry. You probably did just fine. Sounds like you were a good student. I took the boards twice & both times got 265 questions. Both times there were meds I had never heard of EVER, and a lot of prioritizing both times. I get the pleasure of taking it one more time. Please keep your chin up & stay positive. I know how hard that is, but don't get did fine I'm sure. Good luck to you....:icon_hug:
717 Posts
You were me two months ago. I did well in school graduated with honors and the NCLEX still messed with my brain. I got 85 questions and I never heard of the meds that I was given. I got ten of those, about eight SATA, and I got some questions on things that I never heard of. When the computer shut off at 85 I wanted to scream and punch the computer because I knew I just proved how much of an idiot I was in only 85 questions. As soon as I got in the car I called everyone and told them that I failed. When I foun out the next day I thought I was hearing wrong because I KNEW I failed it.
I was told that if you feel like you failed then you passed. I don't know how true that is but in my case it worked.
Well I keep looking on line for my name to jump out at me. I know darn well it won't be there till at least tomorrow but I keep looking!! Someone said I could call and get it today but I can't bring myself to call. I will wait till tomorrow and hope it has my name listed! Thanks for your support.